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Everything posted by sydeccles

  1. Just like to say thanks again, a couple of very helpful guys, I ordered the part from RS Components Spain yesterday €135.05, (I have accounts with both RS UK and Spain) the keypad arrived this morning, after being shipped from RS Birmingham, anyway, it's fitted and up and running, however I have not paired it up to the 3 Discs/Proximity Fobs yet, will sort that out over the weekend, once I have had a quick reminder with the Engineers Ref Guide, if I remember correctly it was a slight pain in the buttocks. Guess my next task is to sort out a couple of External Cameras to link up with my Synology NAS, so look out for me pestering you guys again shortly!!! Thanks again Syd
  2. Hillbilly Can you please confirm that this is the keypad I need ? http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/security-alarm-control-panels/7959637/ Many Thanks Syd
  3. Hillbilly THANKS. Syd
  4. Thanks for the response My Keypad is the 4 wire keypad, I only have one keypad, I installed the Alarm myself in 2010, and I can set it with either the 3 G-Tag Plastic Discs/Proximity Fobs or with 2 Remote WiFi Key fobs. Sorry about the size of the attached photos above Syd
  5. al-yeti I appreciate that an LCD can have the odd pixel not displaying, however my Keypad has well and truly blown, heard a bit of a pop when it went, so currently I am unable to use the alarm. It will not respond to the Tags or the Remote Fobs. As said in my post, I need a new Keypad, if I can find one that is, or a new alarm. So begs the question of the best route for me??? I would have thought that staying with Guardtec / Risco would have may have been a favoured option, or do I just bin the lot and start over afresh? 38 views, lots of experts, I was hoping for a little advice on my best option. Syd
  6. Hi to one and all, I am new to this Forum, so please allow for my ignorance, I also hope I have posted this in the correct place. I am not an installer, (I am a retired automotive electrical design engineer) although I have installed a few alarms for friends. I have a holiday Villa in Spain and have a Guardtec 595 Hybrid system, Control Box wired to G-Tag Keypad (01182PA4W) with a Wifi Expander and Wifi PIRs also WiFi door contacts on outbuildings, I also have three G-Tag Fobs and a couple of four button Keyfobs. So now onto my question (plea for advice and help) The LCD on the Keypad has blown, so I basically need a new keypad, these keypads are now obsolete, so begs a few questions:- 1) Do I try and source a new keypad? 2) Do I replace the Alarm, if so what with? 3) If I go down another Risco Alarm, what parts of my old alarm, if any can be kept? Basically need to find the most cost effective option. Thanks in advance Syd
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