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  1. Soak test - according to the manual, the area and zone(s) on soak will not set off the alarm, but instead will record an entry in the log for review. I activated Soak test (under Engineer Utils) and then proceeded to set the alarm. I stood still and it sets fine but when I moved into view of one of the PIRs the alarm went off and the siren went off. Soak test timer is set to 14 days which I believe is the default. What did I do wrong?
  2. Yes, thanks - the installers version was the one I downloaded and works fine.
  3. The version of the Ricochet Monitor software [on the website] is old and does not work properly - The newer version works perfectly Texecom - please update your website!
  4. OK, so this makes no sense.. I've set-up port forwarding and can access my panel from Wintex on my work PC - I have also installed Ricochet Monitor version I can see my Ricochet network and it is working exactly as expected So, I will try installing this version of Monitor on my laptop at home tonight and see if it works and report back.
  5. Thanks
  6. Answered my own question regarding keypad button beeps... Press and hold Yes and Menu at the same time. Release buttons, press Yes several times and cycle through Backlight brightness and you'll get to Keypad tones - beep, click or none.
  7. Hi, I am a newbie from Essex. Thanks to all the regular contributors who have made this forum so useful. You'll find me in the DIY section for now
  8. Hi, Not a complete newb when it comes to intruder alarms - I look after physcial security (intruder, cctv and paxton access) of 105 buildings at work, but this is purely a post from someone who is installing a DIY home intruder alarm and wanting to learn to help with diagnostics etc at work. I've just bought some Texecom kit and have started the install... I thought it would be useful to document here as I found the forum users to be extremely helpful as I was doing some initial research - so hopefully will help others in future too as google searches nearly always end up here. Kit​ Premier Elite 32 Zone Wireless KIT0001 2x Ricochet Quad PIRs 1x Ricochet DualTech PIR 3x Ricochet Impaq Plus ComIP module ComUSB cable Odessey X-BE wired sounder Wintex Ricochet Monitor Initial Observations At this point I have the panel mounted to the wall, the keypad and external sounder connected up, all the ricochet devices learnt with the panel in commissioning mode, detectors physically installed and walk tested ok. I can connect to the panel with wintex and the comUSB lead and, in conjunction with the keypad, this is how I setup everything so far. I also have the ComIP installed on COM1 on the board, and have allocated a static IP. I can also connect via wintex to the panel over the LAN. The lid tamper error that was showing EXP 1 1 was due to JP7 being in commissioning mode - as soon as this was changed over, the tamper error went away. Now that I can connect via LAN, I have unplugged the ComUSB cable and refitted the panel lid - the lid does not fit with the ComUSB lead attached to the panel. The Engineer Hold Off feature with the Texecom sounder can be set by accessing the Bells test menu and pressing the OMIT button on the keypad - the message BELLS DISABLED will be shown. Now the questions start! 1. How can I turn off the keypad button press beeping? It is irritating the wife (and myself) with all the button presses during programming! 2. Apparently I can access Ricochet Monitor from within Wintex with the ComIP module connected to the COM1 port on the panel (how I am using wintex to do the programming) - I can indeed click the Monitor button in wintex, it appears, but it shows 32 empty slots and the below isn't right either: If I connect the ComIP module to the Ricochet Monitor connector on the panel it works for Monitor software and I can see all the wireless devices - but then wintex software won't connect to the panel I was assuming I could have both tools working with the ComIP connected to COM1? Thanks in advance
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