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About Neutech

  • Birthday 06/06/1973

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    Northern Ireland

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  1. Make sure that Paul man buys the grub and keep him off the sauce .... he gets wile bad head after it
  2. 5 seats then Estate car or a kombi, the T6 Transporter on the 2ltr seem to be able to take the miles and very few issues I went for new connect L2 last January and has 35k on it now, been back once due to limp mode needed a complete SW reflash apart from that been ok, build quality is tat but that's like most modern vehicles, the older T4 Transporters were best vans ever look at the amount still going
  3. Remember the TVI needs to be Turbo to be 2.4MP to compare with Dahua 1080p, there are loads of TVI cameras out there but the quality of them leaves a lot to be desired 4k has been out a few months but the low FPS and the cost of equipment makes it expensive Try your local Alarm Supplies / Enterprise for Dahua HDCVI equipment
  4. Bout ya Also in N.I. down the north Coast
  5. Bout ya big lad
  6. Bout Ya Plenty good information on the forum North Coast based
  7. They had some old stock earlier in the year when I last spoke to them The Runner isn't bad panel, I installed a few These guys here - http://www.securitysystemshop.co.uk/epages/63968283.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/63968283/Categories/%22Wireless%20Alarm%20System%22 Also list the Runner stuff
  8. 24v Bosch which is 12 years old and still going but in new batteries 18v Dewalt / Milwalkie / erbaurer for the fixings side of it Time for a new SDS as the Bosch will **** itself some day, might just go for the erbauer 24v SDS its 2 years warrenty?
  9. 100m then a network extender or switch is needed RG59 to Ethernet adaptor will allow up to 500m on IP RG6 on HDCVI claims up to 700m Personal experience in the real world RG59 on HDCVI at 482m no issues on image or quality
  10. As already said depends on the application, CVI has the advantage of longer cable runs than IP I've installed a lot of CVI swapping out old analogue but I have also done a number of new installs and went CVI on RG59, Its personal choice
  11. I switched from using Hikvison to Dahua and have found zero difference in image quality at all, if anything I prefer the Dahua DVRs and APPS
  12. Not a job in Wales by chance ?
  13. Luxrob I don't know where you got your information on HDCVI from but its incorrect, maybe you should actually do some research on your competition instead of using your "findings" of CVI / TVI to upsell your HDSDI Products I have installed HDSDI and rate it but I also install a lot of HDCVI which is 25fps @ 1080p, I have no issues with either apart from the cable limit on the HDSDI Your comparison of CVI being lesser quality and more restrictions than TVI / SDI are warranted on what ? HDSDI 1080p 25fps 100m cable on RG59 HDCVI 1080p 25fps 700m on RG6 500m on RG59 300m on CAT5e Control over COAX I don't see the lesser in the above? I can tell you in the real world I have a few HDCVI running at 418m on RG59 so I am happy with the claims on cable distance Just for comparison on your UNIVERSAL VECTUS DVR the dvr I use from Dahua is any channel HDCVI or Analogue or IP so true Tribrid @ 1080p I cant comment of TVI as I don't use Hikvision equipment
  14. Dump the router to start with, i replaced 2 of these last week and no issues with getting setup Are you using static IP or DDNS? Can you access DVR on LAN?
  15. What about the show the NEC are running this year in May? Excel is pain in butt to get to and flights cost more Will wait and see to nearer the time
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