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  1. I'm working on a job in Chiswick at the moment houses/flats new builds I'll find out if they are having alarms fitted and find out who's doing it if they are Just an idea if you google new builds in your area find out who the builder is and phone them up. I've done this many times to find out who the electrical contractor is and got work
  2. No none of the codes work the thing is tho that I did set the alarm off and silenced it with the code #REMOVED#???? I bought the unit from a retailer off fleebay I've mailed them to see if they changed the code in order to pair up the devices but heard nothing back as of yet
  3. Hi guy's managed to get the sounder working ok so thanks for the information My problem now is that I can't access the user settings menu ? In the manuals the master code is #REMOVED# and user code is #REMOVED# when I try and enter these in its not working. Another code in the manuals is #REMOVED# but this doesn't work either ? Any ideas what's wrong Thanks Phil
  4. As you can see it says I have to have a 4.4k resistance so do I link one resister between Z29 & GND at the panel,then the other resister between 12v- and tamper ? The spare T in the bell box
  5. Brilliant thanks for the information guys
  6. I hope this works and thanks James
  7. Hi I have recently purchased the visonic wireless alarm system (complete) with the expander module as I want the external sounder to be hard wired. I have the deltabell plus sounder and the wiring diagram is pretty easy to follow,but I'm struggling a little as to what terminals the wires go in the controll panel ? So far I think I have figured out that 12v +,- goes to siren/ext in the panel TT. goes to Z29/GND in the panel What I'm struggling with is where does the strobe and bell of the sounder go into the controll panel?. I don't know yet if you can post photo's on here of the actual connections for a better idea of what I'm on about. I hope someone can try and help out a little Many thanks.
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