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  1. Thank you for you help
  2. Thank you. One doubt less And what obout software. Could he change supplier's installed logic from panel, or I need to buy software? You say, that sometimes it's possible even to change addresses from panel, so may be he could to change logic from panel?
  3. 1) Hello. Situation: we have panel with ADT Minerva MX4000. The supplier delivered to us panel with already addressed sensors 813P, but fire inspection forced to change project (more sensors to install). We employed local company. Enginer spent les than an hour with panel, and said that in second delivery all sensors have standard 255 adress. But they all are already mouted (more than 150 sensors) . He says we should demount them, so he could address them correctly according to project. I doubt, so now I ask here, is there any possibility to change addresses without demounting sensors from bases? 2) Second thing, he asks is software MX CONSYS. Is it neccessary for him?
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