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  1. It's so true they always become a problem later down the line as well.
  2. I totally agree however you know some customers try to be cheap
  3. To fix you would need find tamper fault, set a multimeter to resistance and place on 2 green wires places in tamp, you should see a reading near 0, if not you will need to break down and test each zone wire individual until fault is found, in contact the tamper is magnetic, on pir the tamper is mechanical switch or electronic contact. The junction box is where each tamper is wired in series so that if loop is broken tamper loop the alarm goes off.
  4. Thanks told customer only option is upgrade panel and keypad
  5. Did think so Sounds like a plan
  6. would the galaxy mk7 keypad work with this panel as they have built in prox fob
  7. Do you mean this keypad would keypad function ? most likely not however could be wired to use rf to set and unset https://www.hkcsecurity.com/en-GB/products/intrusion-keypads/rf-rkp---rf-remote-keypad-/
  8. Already suggested however customer does not want to spend that kind of money may just leave them with keypad until they get fed up.
  9. hmm the galaxy max 4 is more expensive, client is bit cheap skate lolz, i will check manual i believe it uses key switch input so the ss2 could be used to set and unset, i do not need fancy lights as will be fitting next to keypad so just simple set and unset.
  10. I shall hope not ?
  11. I guess i could use door entry fob to set and unset system something like this https://www.doorentryonline.co.uk/acatalog/SR2-Proximity-card-key-fob-reader.html
  12. Is this only compatible with pyronix panel ?
  13. Perfect will speak to client no stock when you get to checkout this lockdown has really screwed up stock levels
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