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  1. That's annoying! Surely it couldn't of gone off coincidently when the time delay finished? Could you wave for longer then open the door to be sure? The timers are globally set (not by sensor) so it doesn't make sense to me unless something is broken on the door sensor like PeterJames mentioned.
  2. Yep that is the test or purpose - arm as if you were at the panel and see if it also has the issue. There should be a delay set to arm to allow you to exit. It may also be set to 0 (default 45 sec, range between 0 - 255secs)?
  3. To prove that theory could you arm using the smart phone app while standing at the panel (wait to hear it is going into arm mode)?
  4. Do you think it may be only doing a partial arm? Do you have more than 1 zone/partition setup? Perhaps when you arm through the panel it is only doing a partial arm and the smartphone app doesn't have that flexibility and arms everything? Have you tried on the remote? Check settings on arming or you could bypass that sensor and check you still get the message?
  5. Nope - My supplier gets it from the Australian Distributor. The faulty unit was replaced and there is no issue with the new one
  6. Another lesson learnt if you are getting unexpected signal issues, check the antenna wire is connected to the correct spot! Not sure why it came like this but once connected I'm getting good receptions (3-4 out of 5 on the signal strength test). The fly lead should be connected to the antenna not the onboard antenna.
  7. Thanks for the offer of support Secureiam. For those interested on the outcome of the original topic, Risco Australia got back to me with a couple of additional menu options to try (unsuccessful) before the senior trainer confirmed the function of calling the sim mobile number is not possible when I'm configured for cloud communication. It's one or the other when only the GSM module is installed. I pointed out the manuals said it can do both via the GSM module but they said the manuals were wrong and it's only available for MS with special 'receiver software' and additional hardware is required for the agility3.
  8. Just to conclude on this Tamper switch issue - PeterJames you were spot on and I didn't pull hard enough (the spring ;)). I've attached a close up of the faulty tamper switch. It should have a gap between the bottom of the spring and the contact plate. A slight twist to unwind the spring and pull up to create a gap between the spring and the flat metal plate. You should then hear a better click sound. I needed to see the working version before I realised this obvious issue. Now I just wish I could make calls to the unit as it hangs up on me. See new topic for those problem solving folks:
  9. Haha! Yep it's the drug cheating Essendon are on against Collingwood (both not doing so well).
  10. Thanks just sent you an email :-) It is getting a little later but we have Anzac's day (public holiday from WWI) here in Australia tomorrow. Loving the extra love weekend.
  11. Thanks very much secureiam - could I download and PM them to you (it's a privacy thing)? I just logged onto riscocloud but couldn't find how to download the profile settings? Could you tell me how?
  12. Yep all working well (after a faulty tamper switch which was replaced last week). The cloud is set up with the panel id and all cameras working. Not sure if there was an additional setting to allow DTMF? I will try an outgoing call with the Follow Me alert.
  13. Hi, I'm trying to dial the mobile sim in the GSM unit, but it hangs up on me straight away. The manual says it should ask for a user code then you can enter your options to listen in and talk.
  14. Hi Guys, Anyone know how to make voice calls on the Risco Agility 3? I want to have a 2-way voice call with main unit for discussion with the intruder! I have allowed incoming calls (Programming -> System -> Controls -> Advanced -> Disable Incoming Call -> N). I am trying to call the sim card phone number (tested on a mobile and it works).
  15. Thanks Jammin31 - will ask them.
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