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Everything posted by AlarmDoctorBrigg

  1. I think now I'm logged on again I might have to pop on here a bit more often
  2. I used to be on here years ago but forgot my previous login. ive been an engineer for the last 21 years and have come across most problems with systems and learnt how to solve any issues. its very rare I need to ask for advice but this one had to be within the pcb as from power up it didn't behave correctly. Sorted now thanks guys - Faulty unit being returned
  3. Lmfao eBay purchase, No i only purchase off security warehouse All the switches all on (as was the other kit I've just programmed - it's the kit002 all out the box setup from Texecom, link on commission mode for ricochet device learning (I've been using Texecom equipment for last 12 years)
  4. To be honest I think I've just been unlucky with this one. ive never had an issue in the past, just power up on mains, program and rebox them for install. this is the first time I've had one not respond. With it being all one pcb aswell, unless faulty there should be no reason for the LED's not to power up out of the box.
  5. Yes near the ricochet firmware flashport and the tx rx below neither are flashing? The tx rx on the left side of the board ok though
  6. This is being done with the keypad on a fly lead (no other wires connected to the panel) except mains to power it for programming purposes as learning the ricochet devices and programming the part sets up. the other 3 kits I had to do have been programmed and reboxed ready for installing. just this one kit when powered up has no LED's lit on the right hand side of the board like the other 3 kits did. even after defaulting the nvm and clean starting. no shorts on the data on my engineer keypad I use it daily! the wireless expander is onboard on the 48W and is not even seen in the expander menu and not seen when confirming devices (only the connected keypad)
  7. Hi all, Im just programming up a some texecom 48-w kit2's for jobs this week and one of the panels has no response from the tx/rx LED's on the onboard exp1 side of the board and nothing from the wireless signal LED's either. also in confirm devices this isn't being seen by the panel? do you think I've fell unlucky and got a faulty panel? thanks in advance 50378603619__046443B7-DADF-4BB8-A47D-0E89A642FFD7.MOV
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