Total noob here could do with some help setting up some dual beam sensors. I purchased this kit:
The goal is to use the infrared beam sensors on a long driveway to detect people or cars coming down, it will then send signal to the gsm alarm panel. I'm having trouble setting up the dual beam sensors (everything else in the kit seems to work as intended).
I'm having trouble getting the sensors to detect reliably. I've lined the sensors up as best I can (using in built viewfinder) and there is a beep sequence which indicates they are correctly aligned (they are situated on fence posts about 1m off ground and 5m apart). However it's really hard to get the sensors to trigger. They might trigger 1 in 5 times when walking past them. If I deliberately stand in front of the beams to block them for a few seconds (about 3s) then they will usually trigger (not always though).
If I bring the sensors back inside and line them up on floor a couple of meters apart and lie down on the floor between them then they trigger very reliably. A leg or arm blocking the beams is usually not enough to trigger, it seems to require my body for some reason. They certainly don't trigger reliably when just walking through at a normal speed (or even slow speed). Is this normal? do I need to fine-tune alignment to make them more sensitive?
As mentioned I'm new to this. I was expecting the beams to reliably trigger when a person walks through them, was I wrong to expect this? perhaps they are more suited to detecting vehicles? The included PIR sensor triggers very reliably. Or maybe I just got what I paid for? Looking on amazon the reviews are generally very positive for similar cheap dual beam sensors.
On the back of one sensor are 2 pins with a jumper on them, from reading the manual removing the jumper makes the sensors less sensitive (not what I want).
Any help would be much appreciated.