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Everything posted by redsun

  1. Trouble is they'll probably end up using dvr as a shelf!
  2. My main concern would be the hard drive too. Suppose monitor will be switched off most of time. I'm sure the purple hard drive can manage up to 65 degrees C tho . How hot do you think the cupboard is? maybe just factor in some early replacement costs if on contract or warranty
  3. Hi all i fitted a premier 48 to my home many moons ago and at the time was dabbling in home automation so bought a x10 module that plugs in com port of prem 48 panel. well I never fitted it and found it at the weekend so I'm gonna have a play about with it. Had anyone used one and any ideas what I could use it for? Maybe using it to switch a couple of lights on when alarm triggered at night?
  4. Spiders would defo cause this and I've used spiderex for a number of years now. It work better inside on pirs but not that good on infrared cameras. This is 3 weeks haha!
  5. Gotcha cheers. if I buy the meter do I get lifetime support?
  6. Thanks but I don't get it? aeriel and hd signal in the outputs and feed to TVs in the input?
  7. Ok sounds good. its all up and running ok now but I prefer to do the job right so could you link to what I need please? appoligies for picture but was off iPad as phone had died. thanks to all who helped
  8. @petrolhead will you post meter? Do u have instructions?
  9. Bingo i got a picture on panisonic!
  10. Yeah tried 40" Sony too. tried cable RF out directly to TV with and without attenuator LNC 800 programme 001 naff all i rarely add these modulators to Cctv so won't get much use out of dvb meter but for that money I may invest cus this thing is far from easy. All others I've used easy.the Edison version looks easier.
  11. Yes dvb tv yes technomate T-M-rf hd now set to Lcn 800(which first time I've altered) channel 40:626.0mhz programme number 60 tried manual search no new channels
  12. One thing tho. Most of channels are on 27 bbc itv etc. If I set modulator to 27 and prog number to say 40 it disrupts the normal channel arrangement when tuned. Not sure if that proves anything other than the tv is getting something from modulator?
  13. No I've stripped it back down and can't generate Cctv picture at all. hdmi gets a picture when plugged directly into a monitor then I plug into modulator. I've tried Rf out directly to TV cutting out attenuator and combiner - no Cctv. Tried Rf out no attenuator into combiner - no cctv.Tried loads of different channels configs. As set up now I get TVs ok on all TVs. Tried using Rf loop through on modulator - nothing at all! Although internet says loop through is when stacking modulators. Unfortunately I can't get hold of spectrum analyser for few weeks but as I had Cctv up once thought there must be a way. Tried altering attenuator every half turn then re tuning.tried different TVs.
  14. Hi all, im struggling with this hd modulator. im trying to get hdmi out of Dvr onto all TVs. could someone tell me if this is wired correctly.the horizontal coax to combiner is the aerial. The attenuator is 20db ive had Cctv up once but no channels now can't get it again. what channel would you recommend? Between 21-69 then what programme number? The user instructions for this technomate are pants any help appreciated
  15. Top man thanks. HD modulator has come so fit it end of week hopefully. Thanks all.
  16. What db will I need for my solution? Do I try technomate on its own to see if alls well first?My knowledge of this department is close to zero!
  17. go on here http://www.canyouseeme.org/ and type in your port and see if its definitely open.will tell you if router is set up and allowing forwarding
  18. for everyones help.ive ordered the technomate hd modulator. @PETROLHEAD Which external attenuator for the technomate do you recommend?is it one of those inline ones?
  19. Ok thanks for that , I'll take your advice and make the purchase. i did buy a 10mtr and 15mtr hdmi lead from cpc to connect to 2 TVs but they didn't work. No picture. I assume they were not of high enough quality?
  20. This is similar to the lead I'm using http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-Feet-TRIPLE-3-Phono-CABLE-Lead-Audio-Composite-Video-RCA-AV-GOLD-SY-/282054167953?hash=item41abbd0d91:g:d74AAOSwNsdXTY5~
  21. its LHD Dvr. the spro 6 is the small one isn't it? quite happy to press tv button on remote then back to hdmi input(freesat) I was under the impression you need a digital modulator for a digital signal ie hd sdi and a normal analogue modulator for most cctv applications. so if I use a digital modulator on Ahd then the picture will work and improve? @petrohead that looks very similar to the unit systemq do?
  22. hi guys, Just upgraded a analogue system we put in years ago with luxrite AHD kit (which they don't stock anymore) Trying to use the original rf modulator so can be viewed on all tvs still, but cant get it to work. I believed that Ahd Cvi and Tvi are all analogue and only hd sdi being digital so don't need a digital modulator? I'm using a hdmi to composite lead from dvr to modulator. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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