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Everything posted by Bluenoze78

  1. DD Just the sort of input I need - On the Texecom then what should I ask for in terms of "kit" - COMwifi - does that send signals via the internet / does it run with an application? Texecom Ricochet with COMwifi?!...instead of GSM (more along the internet / phone line basis) - is this do-able with this system? THANKS!!!!
  2. Chaps I was about to pay the deposit on the Agility and ano chap came back quoting the Texecom.......so I thought - Ask the professionals; Risco Agility 3 with the 2 x Smoke detectors and the 4 x door contacts, 2 x Camera PIRs 6 x Standard PIRs, 2 x Fobs, 4 x Proximity tags, External wireless sounder, PSTN unit and IP unit c £1,700 all in - is this fair and reasonable? Have also been quoted for a Texecom ricochet system to allow 6 PIRs, 4 doors, 1 external sounder, 1 GSM module, 1 hardwired key pad. c £1,320 all in - again, is this fair and reasonable? The first quote has 2 extra PIR's and 2 smoke detectors and I understand the Texecom GSM is a SIM card "thing" so may have more on-going communication costs. What's the consensus, you guys know what's what?! what would you go for, both I understand are decent systems (ie not Yale) If I strip out the smoke alarms on the first the quote was £1,470 (although he seems to have added 2 more PIR's from the first quote to the second) Decisions Decisions...... BN
  3. DD Thanks, fair comment. I get the feeling the chap is busy, its me being the ass trying to get him in.... I suspect he'll get to it in his own time. In the interim I'm training the kids rabbits to be guard dogs. If the system lasts 10 years ill be happy Yale - agree, marketed for the mass market / DIY. Thanks Derek
  4. Chaps On the basis I have a weirdo asking my eldest when were at home - I am going to go ahead with the Risco Agility 3 based on the availability of an installer. He "backs it" so hell be the one coming back to make sure it keeps working :-) Peter / Al-Yeti / Nova / Hill Billy and all those who have helped me thanks! I need to 'bite the bullet' and get something installed for peace of mind. Thanks for all your help! BN
  5. DD No DIY here! You lost me on the first post but Im sure everyone else understood :-) Q: Can I have the Texecom FMK/SMK panel with the "connect" series? is says its compatible with the Premier Elite and Premier series but I don't know how that ties up with 'Ricochet' or 'Connect' (or if its all the same thing!) Thanks all BN
  6. Nova Thanks - I don't doubt the installers word, he's a nice chap just wondering if anyone here has used it (being so new). Its vanity but the only reason I prefer Texecom is they do some nice looking control panels, not overly enamoured with the agility and its blue glow / plastic front.... Q: Can I have the Texecom FMK/SMK panel with the "connect" series? is says its compatible with the Premier Elite and Premier series but I don't know how that ties up with 'Ricochet' or 'Connect' If I can I'll get a quote for that then make my mind up and get it done! Unless I then get a Siemens Vander... installer locally :-) Thanks all
  7. al-yeti the installer (quoting) says the agility app is tried and tested hence he has a preference (apparently he has it :-)) for it but the Texecom is "newer" hence untested....... (at least with him) For me if the systems are the same (in app terms) I like the control panel on the Texecom as you can choose snazzy "metal colours" Unless I can get someone to look at the Siemens kit (Vandersbilt or whatever) I will end up with one of the above! BN
  8. Ok - Risco Agility 3 quote chap says he also installs the Texecom albeit but has not done a installation with the new "connect" system (with Android app features) but has installed "Ricochet" - So my question to the community is Agility 3 Vs Texecom connect....which is the better piece of kit? Texecom is about 10% more expensive on "quote terms" but price is not my driver.
  9. al-yeti Ah I see!! everyone now a days loves their recurring income streams - On this basis ill pass on hkc Would rather pay annual fees to installers to service/replace batteries! :-) BN
  10. al-yeti Ah I see!! everyone now a days loves their recurring income streams - On this basis ill pass on hkc but thanks. Would rather pay annual fees to installers to service/replace batteries! :-) Peter - back to Vanderbilt SPC (Im assuming their app is free).."Aliro" I think its called - I can see its free to download. Thanks all
  11. Also chaps - whats your view on the new doorbell camera thingys? Is this something that is becoming more common as an option across systems? making it more integrated with app's... Im keen on "overkill" as you can see!
  12. al-yeti HKC have the option for a PIR with a camera don't they - the HKC app on their website shows an image being/could be sent....so I was guessing that would tell me if its a burglar or one of my daughters rolling in at 2 am not disarming the alarm whilst drunk (when I am away) (PS the eldest is only 14 so Im hoping this is a few years away!!!) Ive had some undesirable character quiz my eldest when Im not there asking when and where mum and dad work and when she goes back to school...all very weird and creepy. Ive since installed CCTV (as a short term deterrent) and now its the alarm. Keen to now get something installed as Im having people pretty much house sit when Im not there thinking an attempt is imminent..... How much would a HKC installation cost me? I would need 6/7 PIRs, 4 door alarms, the system and bell to go with them along with probably (at least) 2 key fob (me and the wife) and 4/5 proximity tags (if relevant) for grandmas etc. Thanks Derek
  13. Thanks for helping me!
  14. Understood! ipad...... Comedian :-)
  15. Peter I could send you my house plans (when I bought it) and pictures if you wanted to quote and then send someone to do it? ie 1 trip? thanks
  16. Yes please!!! thanks
  17. Peter i Would be happy to pay the extra for the Vanderbilt with LCD display! Just need someone to do it! Shiuld invent s site to post jobs! BN
  18. LCD keypads on the Siemens alarm looks great!
  19. Peter now you've done it, adding better systems to the mix, 6pirs 4 door sensors wireless, alarm box etc what's the likely cost for either of the above 2? kids XMAS cancelled now :-) BN
  20. SWB Good advice, thanks Its a bit like a dating site, trying to find an installer that matches that offers the desired system. So far been quoted: £1k for Pyronics Enforcer £1.45k for RISCO Agility 3 Where for art though Texecom quote?! :-) Bluenoze
  21. Norman Thanks It would seem the hard part is to find an installer to do it - Ive had responses from "I wont do anything that can interact with an iphone" to "I only use Pyronics" Happy to let any installer configure it, just need to find someone that likes using it! :-) Bluenoze
  22. Guys thanks for responding. I'm 100% getting it installed (Live in Reading), I'm an office boy with no DIY skills that require 'programming' 'learning' or any other process!. The problem I have is everyone (installer) has their own preference (Pyronics, Honeywell, Scantronic, Visi... etc etc) and what they like to use often for ease of installation as much as alarm benefits (I get/understand that) I'd rather find an installer that uses and supports the use of the system I want (so they can fully set it up and show me how to use it). Then will service it with an annual fee not the "service maintenance plan". Happy to pay just don't want my trousers pulled down. Texecom is the brand I have not read anyone absolutely slate (just wait :-)) and thus if I can get my iphone to arm/disarm/notify me (in case it goes off) I think that's my preference..... Is it easier to buy the kit and get someone to fit it or let them procure it? Thanks for your comments guys, appreciated Bluenoze
  23. Hi All. I'm Joe Public and am looking to you fine men (and women) to guide me on the following alarm system; Either: RISCO Agility 3 or the Texecom Ricochet System (Please don't suggest other systems eg Honeywell) as my mind is melting already...I just want a good alarm that will do the job as I've had shifty characters quiz my 14yo daughter about when Im in/out :-( I need 6 PIR's and 4 door sensors. I have cctv (with live view iphone abilities) so the camera function on the Risco is not necessarily needed. I would like the ability to arm/disarm the alarm remotely (iphone). I have a router and phone line, max distance from PIR to router is approx. 40ft . Not sure the Texecom ricochet can arm / disarm remotely? although I read there is a new app out to do this or is it just their premier elite system? Any help views appreciated, even if its to promote one over the other. Quote for Risco so far is about £1,450 Any help appreciated!!! Regards Bluenoze78
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