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Everything posted by Litch90

  1. So one you've congifigured your new ward C added what circuits you want into that zone... what is the next step? The menu option configure wards seems to have limited options not a lot you can add/change. Thanks
  2. Good Evening I was working on a TS690 this afternoon and I set up a new ward partition C. However when i trigger a device in that ward it is not registering an alarm not audible or even in the log. If i full set the premises everything works as it should. I have looked in the menu option 'configure wards'. Any ideas?
  3. Virtual Keypad? Whats that about al-yeti? I know what you mean you get the galaxy keypad but is it an app how do you use it?
  4. Which option would you say is better for monitoring a FLEX panel? -Pay for a E080 ethernet board (70-100 quid) GX remote app... -LCE 01 ethernet board (£56.00) and SelfMon for one pound a month Thing is, by the time you've paid £56.00 for the PCB and a £1 per month to use the platform you could have just bought the official product off honeywell. Not knocking this Self Mon i've just seen lots of rave reviews about it and want to know what fellow security professionals think of it? I can pick up a E080 ethernet mod for £70 brand new, so playing devils advocate tell me why I should consider SelfMon?
  5. Are you PART P registered? You can install an additional socket or FCU without any need to notify the works. I always provide a U/S 3 AMP Spur myself included in the price of install. If there is any major chasing involved I fill the chase and explain it will need to be re-decorated by the customer. Suppose it depends how much time you have allocated to your job.
  6. Happy... so a URN is not just specific to one site then? So you could have a site where basically police will only attend for confirm signals or just PA's? I've learnt something new today... brilliant piece of information. Thanks
  7. Hi Is anyone selling or can get hold of a Galaxy Flex panel, preferable FX020 panel? I currently have a G2-44 but want to swap it for FLEX panel. Thanks
  8. Agree six wheel, nothing worse than 10 door contacts on one zone....Maybe 11 contacts..
  9. Evening gents I'm looking to add some wireless detectors onto RF RIO on my brothers alarm system... one snag.. he has two cats. I have always found a way to bypass dogs setting alarms off but not cats.. is there anything else to try? I've always used BOSCH Blue line detectors.. I think the only conceivable option is to restrict the cats. Shut them in one room and allow the alarm to carry out its job. As a trial i will leave them on soak test first anyway so i'll know if i'll be facing any issues this way
  10. t They had zone 4 in the hallway acting as a Exit pir... but of course zone 4 is seen as immediate by the panel is it not? So on these older G3's I'm guessing you can't change the zone type manually?
  11. might very well do.. right nightmare trying to programme only of LED's
  12. Regarding a Accenta G3..When altering the three programming suites 1,2 & 3 how do you select zone type immediate for a sensor? Say I want zone 4 to have a zone type of immediate how do I change this? I know if i need i can turn on entry deviate in Flag B menu. Their system was set up so that ZONE 1 WAS TIMED ZONE 2 WAS TIME INHIBIT ZONE 3 WAS IMMEDIATE... zone 4 is the E/E pit by the front door but under Program 1 zones 3-8 to set are set as immediate??? Can the function be changed... or would i just have to swap the zones in the panel (so that zone 4 e/e would now be zone 2 timed inhibit) thanks gents
  13. I was after one Acti.. but tell me more yeti.. what do you want for it?
  14. Evening gents I appreciate we are all in the trade and therefor competitors.. but i was just wondering do you guys know where I can get Hikvision IP cameras/NVR's for cheaper than joe public?? I'm in the birmingham area so i have suppliers like ADI, traders warehouse & enterprise security close by. Specifically what i'm after is a decoder by Acti which usually retails about 350 quid?! Any of you know where i can get that a tad cheaper?
  15. I'm going for a similar set up to yourself.. just wired in a RF portal, want to put a radio device on that as well as have a separate AICO base wired.
  16. That was my only theory behind the fault..Tamper was still present with PA, GLOBAL & BELL linked out as soon as i linked out RKP away it went.. remove keypad to find everything in order. Strange one, but it has been fine ever since.
  17. Is this off a galaxy panel?
  18. Was a keypad tamper, just miraculously after 17odd years surfaced. Job sorted
  19. Birmingham service department I presume?
  20. Only thing it could be.. is a keypad tamper as i've yet to link it out.. Certainly strange that i would have been sitting there since 2000 problem free then one day suddenly decides to tamper (unless cable damage of course)
  21. Had a look at my neighbours alarm for her tonight, she claimed one day it just started going off (External sounder). Eventually she got her hubby to take the POS off the sounder. I came round this evening to find the keypad in lockout because of a present tamper on the system. I've linked out the global tamper and also the bell tamper and still the system see's tamper. Battery was even changed for a new unit, so a flat battery is discounted. The only thing I haven't done is linked out the remote keypad tamper.. All fuses (bell,battery,AUX) are okay. All lids on correctly. Also tried power down... Look like the Accenta may have given up the ghost? Also... do Honeywell even offer tech support on the Accenta now? Seems they just do Dimension, domonial or intellisense?
  22. HKC ones are not that bad.. I'm sure they would also save my life
  23. A bit more expensive thats all
  24. Would a wireless HKC work on say a RF RIO or Radio ZEM on pyronix? If so sounds like a great plan.
  25. All comments considered I think i am going to go ahead with my original plan of installing on intruder alarm system, fully accepting any repercussion of my actions. At least you guys can be satisfied you 'warned/advised' me of any potential consequences of doing so. Failing that I will just stick it on 3 amp FCU, which i understand is grade D as you gentleman pointed out.
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