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About ThornGamma6

  • Birthday 08/06/2000

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    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Mucking about with old fire & security tat


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  1. Hi, I've got a CQR Ultima connected to my Menvier TS900 and the rkp is displaying aux/rem tamper fault that won't clear. Does the bell tamper also need to be connected to the aux tamper on the panel?
  2. Hello, I'm still away from home but I'll be back Monday so I'll post pictures of the panel connections, Kind regards. TG6
  3. Hi again, here's the bell connections but I won't be able to get a picture of the panel until tomorrow as I'm away from home now
  4. Good evening, I've come here to ask how would I wire a Aritech AS293 external bell to a Menvier TS700? Before I get asked I collect alarm equipment and I have a shed where I store all my collection and sometimes I like to change alarm systems on it every now and then. Panel connections are as follows: H/O - H/O + TR - STB - TRG - And the connections on the Aritech sounder are Tamper loop 5 & 6 Input power 7 & 8 Siren hold off voltage 9 Beacon hold off voltage 10 All help is appreciated
  5. Hello, it's been way over 2 years since I posted here now but anyway I'm looking for the engineers manual for a Castle Caretech 1600 V3.3 panel. I bought it off eBay around 4 years ago now and only just got chance to faf around with it. It has no codes with it and I need to know how to factory default it and so forth so I can install it on my collection shed. Kind regards, TG6
  6. My channel name is Thorn Gamma 6
  7. Yeah I'm trying to keep my soon to be old shorrock system going lol
  8. Yeah thats the model I'm after, I do prefer them If you've got any that are due to come down I'd be more than happy to give you my money for it lol, when I remove it I will keep it and use it myself I do have a youtube channel as well and I make videos on alarms
  9. This is the Shorrock 170 which is the bell box I'm on about
  10. There is a metal pentagon shorrock to which is bigger and is 125db loud the polycarb pentagons are initial. The metal pentagon shorrock 170s have a horn siren the shorrocks that have the friendland bells in are the older blue shorrocks. But if you have any gen Shorrock boxes for replacement I'm more than delighted to come down and pick it up Sorry mate the shorrock bell box that your talking about are the old 70's blue one and I do have one somewhere and I plan on repainting it as I would like to get it preserved on my wall of bell boxes
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