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caveo security

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Everything posted by caveo security

  1. I was thinking more about anti-masking ? or I'm Wrong ?
  2. Thank you very much for your help Sir. So basically that means over extended distance voltage will drop is that correct ?
  3. LOL yeah with my luck that's gonna happen haha
  4. The modern day PIR incorporates a multitude of features and is available in many different versions. Give two examples of these features.
  5. The power supply unit (PSU) carries out a number of tasks. a) What is the actual value of the regulated supply voltage that it provides to the system? b) What would be the influence on that voltage at the detection devices that are powered by that supply if the detectors were to be installed at an extended distance from the control equipment?
  6. Strobes are often found to be fitted to external sounders. They tend to be wired independent of the siren so they can be powered and energised separately. What could be the reason for this?
  7. Describe how you would measure and test an end of line circuit if the circuit was suspected of having a fault.
  8. What are the four parts to an intruder alarm system?
  9. I put them all in one as I really didn't want to spam this forum but if you say it ok I will do it
  10. Well that's the thing. I'm reading all 3th time now and can't find answer to those questions. Otherwise I would not ask for help Sir.
  11. Yes it is Tavcom. £289
  12. Because I'm doing my BTECH 3 and I came across of those while studding. I think its worth to know such a things.
  13. I've been trying to find answers for those questions for few day already and can not find them anywhere. If someone can help me please I will be grateful 1.What are the four parts to an intruder alarm system? 2.Describe how you would measure and test an end of line circuit if the circuit was suspected of having a fault. 3.Strobes are often found to be fitted to external sounders. They tend to be wired independent of the siren so they can be powered and energised separately. What could be the reason for this? 4.The power supply unit (PSU) carries out a number of tasks. a) What is the actual value of the regulated supply voltage that it provides to the system? b) What would be the influence on that voltage at the detection devices that are powered by that supply if the detectors were to be installed at an extended distance from the control equipment? 5.The modern day PIR incorporates a multitude of features and is available in many different versions. Give two examples of these features.
  14. By putting that I was thinking more about alarm manufacturers that they equipment is insurance approved but anyway its gone now.
  15. Yes I can see that. Well I will get that off ASAP Sir you are right that information is misleading.
  16. Are you talking about liability insurance Sir ?
  17. No Sir, I do not have any accreditation up to now. That's the reason I have started courses. And that's the reason I'm asking for help such a great people like yourself.
  18. Sir, I honestly don't know how I got it but believe me I got it
  19. Thank you very much for answers. I knew it's gonna be external bell on one of tampers but I was thinking about shunt locks on other ? I know it's sounds stupid but I've never done such a thing before. I've started as self trained and mainly been focusing on domestic customers which i had from word of mouth. I would like to move on with company and go to offices sides ( I already got proposition) but need to learn about design process first. I know its basic knowledge for everyone here and as a company installing alarms I should know that. Well what can I say I think I'm good in what I'm doing but I know nothing about things like this one I'm really sorry if this topic is taking your time.
  20. I'm not a forum user at all Sir. I'm just a guy who understand and know how to install intruder and CCTV. I've been doing it for last 6 years but never been thinking about getting any qualification up to now. I'm not even that young anymore haha that's why learning is not coming as fast as it been before. Besides terms used in this (as you can see by your self) is not what I know from experience. Vibration sensor- I know that as Shock Guard.
  21. I thought that forums are for helping people no ? If I'm mistaken them sorry for that I will just have to look help elsewhere.
  22. No I don't want anyone to answer it I need someone to explain me properly what and why?
  23. how do i apply ? Sorry newbie on this sit e:P
  24. Hello guys, I need some help with this project. I don't want anyone to do it for me. I just need some explanation. Can someone please tell me whats gonna go to "Tamper 1" and "Tamper 2" and explain why ? That's the only one I can not understand why. Please if anyone got time I will be greatfull DLAL Project Design.docx DLAL Project Plan.docx
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