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Everything posted by 1animal1

  1. So to counter I'd obviously silence the unit, batteries out etc... But this remote could still send my panel into meltdown?
  2. Is that actually possible.... Or likely....
  3. It's worth the risk at that I reckon... If not, bit of eBay protection possibly (chance it given the rebuff!)... And bad feedback... Worst case, £23 lost
  4. One positive... There won't be another like it I'll find out tomorrow if it's the bargain I thought when it gets wired in! Wish me luck
  5. Definitely... It was a cheeky laughable bid and the unit is definitely used. It had caulk around the outside... Looks a bit better than the picture too... Not bad for a punt
  6. What the hell is that! that's a right mess
  7. Not bad for a cheeky £24 bid after it was advertised at £79!
  8. Today's fun fact.... All Texecom elite remote panels are chrome underneath . Here's my recent eBay purchase, at worst a temporary panel until the one we want turns up, or a renovation job. I've stripped it down with the intention of buffing the screen then spraying the rest... As luck would have it, it already had a good finish under the satin silver. Not my favourite colour but due to its size its now going under the stairs, so won't matter a huge amount. Not bad for a 45 make over
  9. Well I have to say this... Wintex... Wow... So easy to use and the ricochet section is a nice touch. Looking forward to getting all the other bits up and running at the weekend and finally put this severe learning curve to bed for a few days
  10. Thanks, so because my bell is grade 2.... It's less protected. What is the single tamp for that's in the five cables....
  11. Will give that a go on Saturday. Do I need to short the bell tamper at the panel.
  12. I agree, we're mere mortals. This has come about as I still have an auxiliary fault and bell fault on the panel. Siren showing left LED flash which indicates open tamper circuit
  13. So that assumes that it is indeed a tamper.....but more of a tamper between 1st and secondary units
  14. no idea.... Texecom support said to connect them, but the FULL installation manual shows 3 diagrams for various siren circuits, 2 of which have these terminals - all with nothing attached to them. Looking it appears the X-BE Odyssey box is Grade 2, hence the lack of tamper relay - the X with a double siren, is grade 3, so imagine that will have the tamper relay. Think my only option will be to short the tamper circuit at the box Presume the single tamper wire of the 5 connected terminals will set my box tamper device stopping anyone (opportunistic) from messing with my front alarm box....
  15. Page 36 of the installation instructions shows the MSW as always empty...... on the Premier, Prem elite and sirens....
  16. Is the MSW the tamper? Ive already connected the 5 connection points Tamper,bell, strobe, 0v and 12v - leaving the 2 MSW terminals...these are the tamper circuit are they?
  17. Yep Grade 2 Premier sounder - the new X-BE. It only has those 5 contacts and then 2 additionals which i read, should be left alone with MSW written across them
  18. Thanks chaps.... I've now got all the wireless stuff fitted - still have bell tamper and aux tamper showing for the X-BE bell - although I'm still to activate the battery in the box and finish commissioning instructions (Global options). That said it sounds like i need to omit these via the panel as the X-Be only has 5 contacts - Tamper,bell, strobe, 0v and 12v... where as other models appear to have a tamper circuit additionally.
  19. Swb, do you happen to know how long the settings and learnt devices are saved when battery and mains are withdrawn? I've got an IP board, remote panel and two more pirs (wired to remote)to wire in, in the next week. I didn't want to start setting users etc up if it'll all likely disappear.
  20. Edit - having re-read you can indeed select multiple attributes. The devil is in the detail! I presume it doesn't matter that I've changed the part set settings via the part set menu?
  21. That may be the differentiator, Wintex... I certainly cannot see a way of selecting more than one attribute through the panel - I have been wrong before several times on this thread I'll hopefully have my lead any day to review what I've done. I'll tell you what i haven't managed yet - adjusting the key volume down.
  22. Thanks Lyme, I'll give that a go if i get interference. Regards the part sets... In attributes you can only assign one attribute 1, so you either omit 1,2 or 3. After swb messaged, I noticed right at the back of the installation book, there's an option in the zone menu to tidy the part sets up...
  23. Nice one ... I have a couple of those in the tool box... The first one wasn't too bad as I fitted it pretty flush to an internal wooden porch door (so the missus has to shut it in future!) One after this is a metal patio door...
  24. These impaq-w door contacts are fun fitting on upvc doors with curved edges... The lip on the magnet is ever so slightly out to fit under the rubber
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