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Everything posted by the_italian

  1. Thanks very much for your time. Much appreciated
  2. No bother. Based on my limited ability and understanding of all things electronic, would you suggest getting someone in to have a look at it then? I can buy a multi meter but the reality is I'm not really going to have a clue what caused them to fail, if that is the case.
  3. Great, thanks. So in theory, if I just buy a new power supply, what should I be buying to safely run all 8 cameras? And should this solve the issue rather than worrying about the other power units? Is there any way for all 8 cameras to have been damaged or the DVR itself? Or is it more likely to be purely the power supply issue?
  4. Afraid not, you're working with a complete novice here who literally bought a system off Amazon and plugged it all together and got away with it for 2 years...lol
  5. Yes, and still nothing. I have tried various combinations, I've tried disconnecting all cameras and just re-connecting with 1 camera and a single power supply with no splitter cable, but still nothing.
  6. Further to that, I did also buy a 12V 5amp power supply unit and that doesn't work either. There is still no power to any cameras using that supply.
  7. Thanks for your replies. No, the one that failed is probably one of the closest. However when I first bought the system I wasn't sure exactly how long I needed for each cable so I bought 20m cables and most of the cameras have a power/video cable which has a fair amount of excess which is just coiled up near to the DVR. So the reality is that the one that failed could well be the one with the largest amount of excess cable which is just lying coiled up in the garage...
  8. Yeah it had been for a few years. It is the power supply that came with the cameras. PSU? As in power supply unit? I replaced it with a brand new one to try and fix the issue however it didn't work and they all still have no power
  9. Hi, and thanks in advance for any help. I have a Floureon h.264, 8 channel CCTV system installed around the garden of my house which I installed myself. It has 8 cameras, also from Floureon (1000TVL IR cameras). It was running without issues for 2 years. Unfortunately a few weeks ago one of the cameras IR capabilities began to fail during nighttime, however the camera would work fine during the day. Due to this, I disconnected this camera and ran with 7 cameras and ordered a new camera. Whilst waiting for the new camera to arrive I noticed that the 7 remaining cameras were flickering, weird bars would roll across the screen, and in general they were not performing too well. Concerned that they might become damaged with whatever was causing them to flicker, I turned off the whole system and waited for the new camera to arrive. The new camera arrived, I installed it, plugged it in, turned on the system and now there are no cameras working at all. I wasn't sure where the issue was so I bought a new power supply unit with the exact same spec as the one that initially worked, however this has since arrived and the whole system still isn't working. The Floureon HDR 'unit' still powers up, I can still access all the recorded videos and screenshots from when it was working, so the unit itself seems to work fine. I changed plug sockets incase there was an issue there, however I just can't seem to get any of the cameras to power up at all now that I've plugged the system back together. Power supply that was used initially when it was all working was Input:100-240v AC, 50/60Hz, Output: DC12V-2000mA. This was linked to the cameras with a '8 camera splitter', so the one plug powered all 8 cameras. Anyone able to help before I have to get someone in to fix it for me? I can post screenshots of the 'flickering and bars' that appeared on the cameras prior to them being switched off if that helps. Many thanks.
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