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Everything posted by williamalex1

  1. Light'ning visible discharge of electricity from the sky.
  2. I did the reset but no joy, the main board and 2 sensors must have been damaged at same time as the bell box when we had a lightning strike .
  3. Sorted, I replaced the main board and 2 faulty impact sensors. Thanks for ALL your help.
  4. Thanks for the swift replies I'll catch up with all the replies tomorrow , off to watch the Footie, best of luck.
  5. Yeah i see a red light showing on the right hand side of the box .
  6. Bell box went off for about 15 mins till the battery went flat
  7. The sounder went off for about 15 minutes when the power was disconnected and now the battery in the box is flat.
  8. The beeps are the same sound as when using the key pad.
  9. Yes but it's a separate system, when i disconnect the battery and mains supply to the panel and the beeps stopped .
  10. Yes defo the key pad, the panel is in a cupboard in an upstair bedroom.
  11. Hi Guys, I'm a 70 year old retired spark so please be gentle with me. I finally renewed my old Sigma sounder box after a lightning strike a few years ago. I fitted a new Honeywell AG6 strobe/sounder connected to a Citadel Accenta 8sp400 mini G3 panel. The system sets and works fine BUT every 5 minutes there's 2 high pitched beeps coming from the keypad. Any thoughts guys thanks in advance Billym.
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