Good to know it is serviceable, I see, well, my parents have an Optima XM from the early 1990s, it gets used every day, is that made by ADE too? Just thinking about it there, and from memory, the XM case and the Concept case seem to be the same. What sort of battery do these alarms take? 9v? I'll have a go at changing the battery myself, it can't be that hard, surely. Well, it was a guess that the external sounder is dead, but by the looks of it, it is dead, what is the little bit of circuit board in it, connected to the siren? Does this also have a battery that needs changing? Oh, yes, I have herd of Honeywell, they make thermostats and the like, would what looks like an Accenta work with the Concept main panel? It was also make by ADE, from what I can see on Google.