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  1. Well, I managed to default the engineer and user codes this afternoon. Took me a few go's with what I'd managed to discover off the internet. I can now omit the zone that was causing the fa and see what happens. Just need to study the manual now to become more familiar with the menu's.
  2. I already tried changing the battery and am pretty sure nothing in the room could be causing a fa. I don't have the option to omit any zone unfortunately. If I were to call a professional to reset the codes for me, what would I expect to pay, roughly? Thanks chaps.
  3. Yes, may have to do if nobody can share the info. Was hoping to do it myself really, would probably find it an interesting job too. Thanks for the reply.
  4. Hi, I'm in need of some help/advice please. I'm tying to find out how to reset the master and engineer codes, with only the user code known. The system was installed by ADT but is now no longer serviced by them. I'm getting false alarms on one of the PIR's every so often. I would like to programme this out of the system to test and reprogramme a new compatible PIR in if necessary. I don't believe this can be done with only the user code? Not sure if you have enough info here. Please let me know if not. Thanks in advance for any help.
  5. Good evening everyone . Just signed up, I'm a fairly decent DIYer, hoping to gain some knowledge on my parents alarm system so I can have a go at fixing it. I installed my own wired ADE system a few years back and it's been ok, but have a feeling this will be a tad more difficult? Will post in the relevant section later, to see if anyone can assist me. Cheers.
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