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Jack b

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Everything posted by Jack b

  1. Jack b

    ADE Optima 2 Plus

    Absolutely love the optima 2 plus although its a bit of a pain.
  2. I sorted it out. Turns out you need a 12v battery at the end of the loop.
  3. Is that an afa and a banham in the background?
  4. Does anyone know how to wire this panel?
  5. I've got the panel bulb working and the buzzer for exit timer working. The bulb only lights up if you've put something in the bell terminals. I can't get the circuit fault to extinguish. I've tried making loops but that didn't work.
  6. I need help on wiring this panel so that the circuit fault bulb turns off and I can set the panel.
  7. In all seriousness what do kerry springs even look like? The reason I'm asking is because I've made a panel for the Rely-A-Bell I picked up and It needs some way of sounding the alarm through the panel. I know door contacts work but I need something a bit more authentic.
  8. How would I hook it up to a panel?
  9. Does anyone know what a kerry spring is and how to make one?
  10. The thing at the top is a pygmy bulb
  11. Does anyone know whats inside a securicor alarms?
  12. I bought this rely a bell and while ago and I've wanted to make a panel for. I know how to make the coffin panel from the 50s rely a bell system but not the 60s rely a bell system. If anyone has info on the 60s or 70s rely a bell coffin panels or picture then notify me.
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  13. It's probably the solder joints on the board.
  14. My first panel was a Selmar Burglar Alarm from 1975. The bell box was hammered black and only had a synachrome bell inside. The panel was hammered black and a circuit test button with a green incandescent lamp under the button. Next to the button there's a key switch with a red lamp under it. Round the side of the control unit was a flick switch and next to it was a xenon lamp. It was very simple only having two relays , mains and a micro switch.
  15. I used to have one of those panels. It was 6 zone instead of 4 zone.
  16. What's a iirc speaker? A mylar cone speaker or something like that
  17. Does it have the same guts as the bentley classic sounder?
  18. What sab module does it have?
  19. Where was it located on the back plate?
  20. Anyone know whats inside a regalsafe bell box?
  21. Anyone know what bell, tamper or sab the abel boxs used.
  22. I've got a chubb alarm from the early 80s and it uses negative hold off but I want to connect it to a panel that uses positive hold off. How can I do this?
  23. Your not wrong. There is another one of the same bell box in my area that hasn't rusted so it makes sense that the boiler steam vent would be the cause
  24. Hello anyone know or have an idea as to what's inside this old bell box?
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