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Everything posted by RayPooley

  1. Just to let you all know that I have sent an email to your site sponsors to ask them for their opinion on the way you the moderators conduct themselves on this site. I will let you know what they say when they get back to me.
  2. No. The port information is not available to anyone.
  3. Like I said, you don't get port numbers from the net. I don't live in the cafe.... and you lost me again with this "Wow how come those quals ain't working,"
  4. Well, here's the thing. You quoted in one comment the port numbers from which I am posting comments. You don't get those off the net. You get those from log files. In your first posted comment on this thread you went out of your way to use your system access privileges to look up my personal details and then proceed to make me aware that you had done so by means of pseudo cryptic commentary. I have no idea why you felt the need to do that and do it in response to a comment that I made to another member. Not you.. Still, I'm a hairy bloke so no problem. But if I were a female somebody might think that a little worrying. But whether you think it a problem or not is irrelevant. You are abusing your access privileges and for that I think you should have them removed. What do you think?
  5. "Amazing, that you didn't get why I said what I said" huh? Not yet. Just heard about them from a member. Break glass and shocks? Not sure what you mean. I am spending a bit more.On sensors. :-)
  6. Thanks DD. Does John have an email address that I can send a private message to? Where can I find it?
  7. I am just reading this: http://www.thesecurityinstaller.co.uk/community/privacy/ .. and wondering whether you can be trusted with members' private data. Who do I speak to about that?
  8. If it is going to work at all I would expect it to work with a ball,or something else, as well as a brick. It only has to be a moving object. i'm not going to be lobbing bricks around my lab.
  9. I intend to connect these sensors to a 12v DC adapter and test their response on the bench and see what the difference is. It will be an interesting exercise.
  10. Yes. This has been very helpful. Cleared up my initial question vis a vis the wiring. But I do need to take a look at the "breaking glass" option as well. I will be testing before implementing the final choice of sensor. Either on a bench or perhaps replace one sensor and test in situ.
  11. Cheers. I don't think any approach is entirely secure. Not even a night watchman. But this isn't The Bank Of England we are talking about. There is a trade off between cost and risk.
  12. The cafe has been running for two and a half years and is doing very well indeed. Apart from a few niggles like this one. My postcode is on my website.
  13. The actual hurling of the brick through the window took 4.7 seconds from the instant the hurler emerged from the darkness to the instant he disappeared back into it. Even with the best remote monitoring service in the world the brick would still end up through the window. The outcome would be the same. So a monitoring service is no obstacle to a flying brick. The question is one of awareness so that someone can attend. There is nothing faster than an auto dial that can send you a text as soon as the alarm triggers. But if the alarm doesn't trigger that's a bit of a spanner in the works. That's the problem I am addressing.
  14. Thanks GalaxyGuy. Now that's an answer. I appreciate it.
  15. That's nice of you but you're too far away.
  16. I have CCTV. All around the perimeter. The police have the footage. You know what they can do? Nothing. Because it's kids and kids are untouchable. No. Checkout WhatIsMyIpAddress.com and others.
  17. Anyone can pull an ip address of a log file. If you have access to the log file that is.
  18. Ahaaa!! Now that's my area of expertise. Ok.
  19. Too much wildlife for beams. All wallets have their limitations. I looked at bulletproof glass and you are right. £20,000. There's a lot of glass.
  20. The premises are insured and everything in it. The original job cost me a grand. But it's still nice to know when there's a hole in the window. Asap. Rather than when you turn up in the morning. Know what I mean?
  21. 50 Southfield Rd, xxxxx xxxxx. Right? IP address 5.xxx.xxx.xxx It's amazing what you can reveal about yourself by a single click of a mouse button.
  22. 135 according to Google Maps.
  23. You can see why I don't find this stuff challenging can't you? How are things in Southfield Road? Or are you in St Mary's?
  24. See previous response vis a vis shutters. Council no allow shutters. They think shutters lower the tone of the area. They're not the ones who have to clean up the mess of course.
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