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  1. Good Evening All I was shared the following link. I think it may be useful to many of us here. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/310515 Please Sign and Share
  2. I spotted that too but passwords/resetting didn't work on the machine i have been looking at. I have asked the customer if they can find any literature, failing that the exact machine replacement is fairly cheap. Thanks for your help though.
  3. Has anyone ever come across the following CCTV DVR? KARE 8 Channel 1080N AHD DVR (model number D3048HH) Trying to find literature for this. All i can see is one selling on ebay.
  4. The premises is a nursing home. Thanks for the replies.
  5. I seem to recall somewhere (a long time ago) something that stated emergency exit signs need to be maintained fittings. Does anyone know if this is in BS 5266?
  6. Thanks for your help
  7. I think the push notifications use Port 10000. That wont open on my sky router and sky have no answers.
  8. That has already been done. Im just not sure where i need to apply the information.
  9. Ah ok thanks. Not had anything emailed. I will try this again with another email account maybe.
  10. I just couldn't get it from OP's diagram. Seems to be making things more confusing than need be.
  11. 1k across the A + A. 1K across A + T. 1 Core in 1st A. Second Core in Unused T.
  12. The app will generate an installer-only Account Number and Destination IP • Contact your Security Installer • Provide the generated Account Number and Destination IP to your installer for programming into your Galaxy panel Anyone know where the instructions for the green text can be found? i.e What manual or data sheet maybe.
  13. How long is the resistor that goes from Z1 to A?
  14. Ports are done and the app is connecting ok. I think its the app. I can set unset ok and the notifications show on the app just no alerts. The set up guide appears to show a different version of the app than the one downloaded. i'm guessing a possible update but no literature for it yet. This may be an option i will look at. thanks.
  15. Thanks for the link Nova. I have now managed to inherit a comms fail due to my tweaking. This could be a long weekend
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