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Gus Zogolovitch

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Everything posted by Gus Zogolovitch

  1. thanks again to both of you - I'll see how I get on.
  2. thank you @peter james & @MrHappy it was installed by a 'so-called' professional - always had my doubts about him - and if I'd had known that nexus is a Maplins job I'd have probably refused it! thanks for the tips on disconnection - can I do this DIY or should I get someone in to do it? We're in NW London - what would it cost to get someone in (ball park)? could I do this as part of an overall system service? what does a service consist of - is it worth it on a cheap Maplins system? re: new system - this one has worked fine to date - so not sure it's quite worth binning yet - are there lots of features of new systems that I'm missing out on? thanks again!
  3. hi everyone, would appreciate your help. We have a nexus 8 burglar alarm installed - it's about 7 years' old. Seems to be working fine but I have a question. It has two keypads and several PIR's. question 1: Is there a way to silence the keypads (i.e. when entering/exiting) - I couldn't find anything in the manual? Even if we could silence one keypad and not the other that would be great. (one keypad is upstairs and one is in a self-contained basement flat which occasionally we rent out and it seems to freak out the guests if they hear beeping as we come and go upstairs!). question 2: is there a way to turn off the blue lights on the PIR's? one is in the basement bedroom and guests have complained that it can keep them awake when it goes off thank you! Gus
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