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Steve Jones

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Everything posted by Steve Jones

  1. Hello just been in touch with the install company and they say they Never lock codes, so,it should have worked, unless they somehow can change the default code to something else.... i mentiond the Pyronix Deltabell Plus LED Backlit External Piezo Sounder Alarm Bellbox Bell Box Blue would thos be a straight replacement , don’t want to get involved with resistors etc.....may do,the bell box myself.....then once my money saved up enough, will h for the rest, by an installer company, have already been in touch with two from the links given thanks
  2. Thought that too but 6 digits still no good.....will look at the lists probided thanks
  3. Yes I will have the bell box replaced, but wanted to fix it for now, plus it would be interesting know how to fix thos
  4. The number I used was 88888888 so can’t try combinations LOL...... dont think it was ever locked, as the install company told me how to default it...... think there is a jumper that achieves this but I don’t suspect you will be able to reveal that, even if there was...... had a look for alarm installets, is there a recommended list for Essex ? thanks for all the advice so far have one other question, again don’t answer if you feel you shouldn’t tell me..... but it when I checked the bell box battery, the two colour LED in the case front became detached from the connection, has 3 wires....wonder if I can try trial and error or could I do damage thanks again
  5. Wasn’t under the impression it was a commercial size panel......I have the original spec sheet, would that help ? this started off with just a power down default, to reset the engineer code and maybe one new KP....seems to be escalating... I will arrange for 3 quotes...... has anyone any ideas about the engineer code not being reset, based on the info I provided ?
  6. Hello no one has been near the panel,since I changed the engineer code myself.....worked fine for years then suddenly wasn’t there anymore......defaulting the device reset the master code, but my number and the default number do nothing....the original installers actually told me how to default the panel to restore engineer code.....so not locked in anyway......I removed the PIR and the powers supply came out and sparked, then the panel was dead.....so the PSU was stopped to,the unused phone dialler module........ so the oanel has had a PSU fault, the outside box is falling apart, had to bypass tamper as the case distorted (30 years old) the flashing LED in the box came apart, so don’t know which of the three wires go where in the connector ( not urgent I guess ) one of the keypads has a broken front flap ( again not urgent ) but get the occasional system in use from the exit keypad .....the other keypad no problem so so it’s not very happy at the moment......as I will get an alarm installer, not the original one I think.....to install the necessary equipment......what is my best choice for an alarm system p l e a s e...... 8 PIR ‘s 8 smoke detectors 3 door contacts all wired
  7. So the 600 is still viable ?
  8. Thanks i agree, I am also very fussy with wiring, there is only one way, the correct way.. the keypad dispays have now now reverted back to time and date...??? i know you said this forum isn’t to reach people how to,install alarms, but would,like to,fit a new bell box myself, until I save up to get the rest done... looking at https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0105Y55QO/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I3NLCN459QEJT5&colid=9W5E32SIOQWC&psc=1 do you agree with the choice and is it a straight swop ? If you don’t feel able to,assist me with this, I completely understand thanks ps I commented the 600 is discontinued, so is this still viable ?
  9. I removed a PIR a year or two ago for decorating and a wire came loose and shorted out the panel PSU a local alarm installer jumped the supply to the PSU Of a phone dialler I had fitted but never used..... but it works ok.......he said it couldn’t really be repaired, that was the best he could do.......so,I thought maybe it should be replaced.....my original problem was that the exit KP occasionally displayed system busy ( or maybe in use ) so was told it was either the KP faulty or a corrupt program.....maybe a full power down and reset would clear that, but not sure if it would... dont want to throw money away......so could just replace one KP power down and reset from factory default....still don’t know if I will get the engineer code back ( although as I said I actually changed this myself previously, so can’t be locked can it ? ) really not not sure of my best, low cost options also is the 600 still a good option if it’s now discontinued ? thanks PS can the press no to view alarm display be removed ? It says 814 when it powers up
  10. Here are pictures of the PIR Thanks
  11. I will get a picture of a PIR inside, meanwhile I was given the engineer code by an employee, unofficially.....I easily changed it to what I wanted, then, as I said, the engineer code just vanished after using it for several years...any ideas ? you say it’s more expensive due to the number of sensors, does that mean each sensor needs ‘ modding’ ? also on RS website the 600 is listed as discontinued.....any ideas on a good alternative, or is this still good ? could see what the installers I ask for quotes suggest..... as a side note, I decided to test the system and check the battery in the outside bell box.....this box is 27 years old ish and the battery is still functioning, just got to hang in till the upgrade....only trouble is, the plastic is a bit brittle and one of the retaining lugs broke off, so the box doesn’t fit quite as it should do.....kept making the tamper go off.....have jumpered the micro switch to bypass the tamper, for now.....but the keypad is showing the fault log....it’s all clear now and works fine, even changed the master code from default to my own one.....but no engineer code ??? so not sure how to clear this display, not that it matters, for when I enter the master code, it just asks me if I want to set the alarm or not.......just curious..
  12. Thanks for the info and prices....is everyone agreed the 600 is the way to go ? 8 PIR’s 8 Smoke detectors 3 door contacts Defaulted the system reset the master code, now changed to one I will remember ..but engineer not doing anything...I have never locked the engineer code I have used the one I changed it to several years ago without problem, then one day it was gone... is there a jumper i can set to reset this ? thanks Ps does it usually like like this inside the control panel, so many connecting blocks ....looks untidy....installed by a longstanding pro company
  13. .?? How much for a panel and two keypads, I have no idea......and a typical install time and hourly rate.... My electrician friend has changed his mind, have two alarm installers local, but they very seldom reply to emils could do with a recommendation in Essex SS8 area
  14. Going to try and keep the existing alarm working until I can afford a gardtec 600 or similar...just the panel and two keypads... just powered down my 800 and attempted to default codes master code now at default but entering default eng code does not bring up an engineer message i changed the engineer code from that provided, many years ago, but somehow the system ‘ forgot it ‘ so can’t be locked I assume ? thanks any ideas please ?
  15. Thanks, for all the help will stick with wired, seems sensible and as you point out cheaper and more reliable.... i need a new panel and two keypads.....so if the consensus is a 600 I will go with that... Could you explain the EOL reference ? Sounds like end of line....... i live in essex, any suggestions for an installer ? thanks
  16. We’ll call it a day, didn’t come on here to be mocked....... wanted some help to some serious quaestions......I will find out another way.. as I said the wiring is 30 years old, so a wireless system seems the way to go....... maybe this can can be closed now, don’t think I will find out what I need.....
  17. Hello thanks all the advice observations and comments..... Based on what’s been said.....i have decided to abandon the present alarm system altogether and go for a wireless one.....easier to install also.. Some of the alarm wiring was installed in 1987 so not sure how long it will be before any of that fails, buried between floorboards, in walls etc etc....... so just need a good wireless alarm system, with approx 11 PIR’s 5 door sensors 3-4 smoke alarms 1-2 KP’s ( need partset overnight so may need 2 KP,s) thanks again
  18. Are these makes ? couldnt find them to investigate......so another gardtec isn’t necessarily simpler for the upgrade ? just can’t afford £400 been quoted for two new KP’s and a panel..... would one one of the systems you suggest accept the sensor cabling I have without modding....resistors etc ? thanks be cheaper to buy a dog LOL
  19. I am retired, so have some time to spare, thanks for your concern......couldn’t find anyone selling gardtec... my problem is, that it seems so difficult getting answers on forums, no disrespect intended.....I asked a question on a certain plumbing forum and was told off, that if I needed to ask that question I should employ a plumber.. am of the opinion that many forums try to worry the OP to the point he she will employ a tradesman.... thanks
  20. I reprogrammed the system I have now myself, just had to be methodical.....was hoping the gardtec 600, which was suggested would be an easier swap over, same companies use similar board connections, so I am told.... can gardtec be bought by by the public, or do they supply to,installers only ? thanks
  21. Thank you, is the most compatable panel to replace mine..? thanks
  22. agreed, but I thought I could possibly get some answers on this forum.... he he actually asked me to enquire for ideas, he doesn’t buy the equipment, just installs it.....so answers to my questions would really help... so from your comment I assume the tamper method hasnt changed, individual tamper on each sensor, the panel, keypad etc... thanks
  23. This was the original keypad, the control panel was fitted in 2003 as an upgrade to a system originally installed in 1990 Report post Posted just now Hello I agree I should replace my ageing gardtec 800 (840 I think) alarm system, it has several PIR’s and smoke detectors connected, has individual tamper connections, still works fine, but want to upgrade it, preferably to a up to date gardtec system, someone suggested a 600 ?? dont need wireless, as everything currently wired 1-which current system is the most compatable, 2 keypads plus a control panel. Hopefully a new gardtec system will be have a similar wiring layout ? 2-the new systems apparently have a single one wire tamper circuit, so I am advised, is this suitable to connect to a modern panel ? Will it require any mods ? 3- my electrician friend is happy to install this for me, having done several already, I don’t require it to be contract maintained, so can I buy the gardtec keypads and panel myself thanks
  24. Have a few questions, please..... I have a rather old gardtec 800 system, with two keypads ( ace I think ) recently the exit expand sometimes displays “ system busy please wait” when setting the alarm.....I then thought I would test the system, but the engineer code I have used in the past does nothing, after pressing the code it just shows unset ?? Are these issues likely related ? Could it be data corruption or a hardware fault ( keypad and or control panel ) As the system is old, I am considering powering down the system and trying to reset the engineer code, if ok then I could replace just the keypads.......but the board is 15-25 years old... Any comments / suggestions on my upgrade repair path ? Thanks
  25. I have had a gardtec 800 series alarm for many years and has been very well behaved......I have changed the battery myself as a precaution against it failing...I have two keypads LCD the one by the main exit door sometimes displays “ system in use please wait “ I wait for 30 seconds or so and it clears allowing me to set the alarm......it only happens when I use this keypad.....the other one is used every night to part set.....is it possible thie exit keypad has a fault.......? also I have the engineer code and need to use this while I remove a PIR for decorating..... it can’t remember the steps to set engineer mode....could someone help please. If I have to replace the exit keypad, is it still possible to get a new one ? Or is a used one ok thanks
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