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Josh Adams

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    St Albans

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  1. Thanks for your advise guys.
  2. Sure I get that and thanks however at the moment the panel is not showing any missing devices nor open circuits nor short circuits to either A or B side of the loop. So its a bit annoying having an integrity fault.. I guess thats just Ctec low tech way of saying something is feked
  3. Thanks guys... James why reverse the loop? Just spoken with Ctec and Hochiki. Hochiki say remove devices 1 by one and reset till it clears. Ctec say make a clean start, loop learn 1 side then loop learn the other side. Hopefully only 1 detector is causing the problem
  4. nope no I/O units only 26 devices on loop. 4 MCPs this system probably installed 2014 not sure if the MCPs have isolators in those ones.
  5. Cheers, I'll have to hope the installers put isolators in the field.. I actually have doubts over this.
  6. One of my guys put his multimeter on the battery terminals during testing, unfortunately had his lead still in the 10A side!!!! This caused the loop to go down and giving no voltage reading on the B side and a high 34+ reading on the A side. with some missing devices and loop integrity fault. The PCB was replaced (Hochiki protocol) early this morning however now with higher voltage reading on both sides (A&B) no missing devices reported but the system still bringing up a loop integrity fault... I just want to check whether this is a case of a device has popped on the loop causing the integrity fault? I did not have any access to all detection areas today to fault find. Any opinions welcome?
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