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Everything posted by InspireSecurity

  1. Hi Batteries weren't replaced so think it must have been shorted on the panel by mistake when opening. I dont do Fire Alarms but having to learn rapidly lol
  2. Fuse on rear of board. Simple but not obvious at first glance because of location
  3. Can anybody help clearing this fault? Not familiar with panel but everything appears to be Ok but cant clear the fault indication "Node1 = Battery disconnected". Have tried power down etc. thanks in advance.
  4. Sure you would know, Lol Probably best if I apply for the Trade Member bit
  5. Sort of Lol Except not the bit about Orisec, only asked if they any good on this forum and couldn't find much online so phoned them up for the info, not about the panel just to see what it is like, maybe get one to test etc. Thought forum was a good place to ask for an opinion about Orisec and everyone says too soon for Orisec so that is the end of that. In houses, I fit Pyronix now if wireless and Texecom if wired and need more functions, use Videfoied panels for perimeter/sites. Don't do many commercial installs, mostly takeovers which tend to be Texecom round here because biggest installer uses the Premier Elite Panel on their installs so I am usually taking over from them.
  6. I'm on the South coast and so is the alarm, about 15 mins away from our office. The main contractor is based in Leeds, hence they probably just googled who was nearest. not knowing anything about the area.
  7. Definitely mistaken in practice. lol
  8. Think it probably was subbed out to a local company and at first, the installer from Leeds just assumed from the Netport signals it was an entry/exit issue that the user was not understanding. Because the customer was happy not to use alarm until the weekend and they had tried to get install engineer back to site but hadn't been able to, probably because they were busy on something else. As I say I am relatively new to this game and so have no particular allegiance to any other companies so am finding the big companies have started to ring me when they need something done in a hurry. I don't do sub-contract work but don't mind helping out someone in the hope that one day I might need some help. Lol Company rang me directly, presume from Google as so far away to ask if could help out then sent down email with details on of site etc and Netport log, enginners code. and contracted rate. I thought this was the norm as only started this topic because some of the gear was Orisec which I hadn't seen before.
  9. Think it probably was subbed out to a local company and at first, the installer from Leeds just assumed from the Netport signals it was an entry/exit issue that the user was not understanding. Because the customer was happy not to use alarm until the weekend and they had tried to get install engineer back to site but hadn't been able to, probably because they were busy on something else. As I say I am relatively new to this game and so have no particular allegiance to any other companies so am finding the big companies have started to ring me when they need something done in a hurry. I don't do sub-contract work but don't mind helping out someone in the hope that one day I might need some help. Lol
  10. Zone 9 was set as door contact. Gap within tolerance, just but the door had play on it so removed to align a bit better. No Tamper Zone 1 PIR was on the wall above door pointing out of the window onto the pavement through vertical blinds, Removed to relocate. No Tamper I don't know if it was a sub who installed it. No log book on site and company did not say. Customer not aware of a sub just main contractor as a point of contact. Sure there wasn't a dispute between a sub and company because I was sent the EMCS Netport printout which shows Zone 1 PIR as an issue from install and told it was probably a user error. I am not related to these companies in any way. just got a phone call from installer and asked to do the call out because the customer wanted to be able to alarm the system for the weekend.
  11. Install company is NSI firm. No tampers. Zone 1 set as a PIR pointing out the window setting off alarm on set. Power supply is just plugged into standard socket, no log book etc etc. Not sure how they got it past the client on the first day because spoke to them and they said they hadn't been able o set it since install and had just left it off. Guess they signed it off during the day. Only been doing this 3 years so everything is new to me and I need the experience. lol. Often get calls from bigger companies asking to help out when an install has gone pear-shaped in the area. Guess they just look on Google for nearest person.
  12. Got a call from Leeds to see if I could help out, Panel was only put in on the 21st Feb and I am right down on the South Coast so guess they didn't have someone down here. I will let you know what the man from Orisec says Lol
  13. Lol Good as that then:
  14. Got called out today to an Orisec panel today. Never seen these before but it was a new install relatively recently and looked quite nice. Anyone worked on these and if so what do you think. I contacted Orisec and they are wanting me to upload logo etc and register properly. Found some other stuff on her from last September but kit looks nice now.
  15. I think it is March but already seen one video showing it so hoped somebody had done it. Thanks though. Going to use IVMS for this is install and work back when clearer about it. Thanks
  16. Thanks guys. Going to try using the forced door as alarm event. Residents are elderly. They do not use the door at night. Only emergency services and suppliers such as milkman. It is a housing association building with central.purchasing for Paxton and CCTV which is why the supplier couldn't care less a about local.problem as it does not affect their contract. Been called in to rectify by scheme manager locally. Already suggested next stage is to take control of these services locally. Hopefully they will. Already got another site as a result so live in hope. Thanks again
  17. I am trying g to think of a way of using the door forced output from Paxton as an input for videofied xt panel. If I could achieve that then armong/disarming wouldn't be an issue?
  18. Thought about Prox reader and issuing to residents etc but other parties such as Police and Emergency services may need access aswell. Milkman is currently setting it off. Main problem would be people needing to carry two to be, one for Paxton and one for videofied. Also they wouldn't be able to rearm if they didn't leave but went to their flat. Thanks so far Mark
  19. Paxton system is controlled remotely across multiple sites. Provider not really interested in solving local.problem. similarly CCTV system controlled by another national provider. Neither want to work with each other. Local site need manned response rather than audible alarm hence videofied system.
  20. I have a customer who has Paxton Access System and a separate Videofied alarm with Camera Sensor on Front Door. The videofied sensor was added because people are bumping the mag locks and sleeping in the communal hallway after a night in pub. It is a care home so residents quite distressed to find drunk Guy in hallway. Problem is they need access for carers etc in night which is creating false alarms on videofied system. Anyone know how to link videofied system to Paxton so it could be disarmed? Also can it be swarmed on door close?
  21. Has anyone integrated Hik Vision IP cameras using the pyronix app? If so does it work well?
  22. Hi everyone Joined today but been following since joining industry 3 years ago. Previously maintenance background but found my way to the fire & intruder roles and really like it. Mark
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