Hi, I'm trying to setup a new Pyronix MC1Z1-WE wireless sensor so that it uses a garage door NC reed switch attached to the external Zone, as well as functioning with the built-in mag contact on the other Zone.
I can't access the installation instructions using the supplied QR code online as I'm an end-user and so can't get a Pyronix website account.
I do have the installation instructions for the shock sensor version (MC1Z2-WE) and I was hoping the PCB/jumpers would be the same. It is roughly the same but my sensor is missing the 3-pin jumper to setup the external Zone input type (NC or double pole).
What I want is:
The MC1Z1 built-in mag contact enabled and on Zone 2.
The roller shutter NC reed switched wired to Z1+C on the Zone 1 input terminal. block
I'd expect to add/remove a jumper to enable the Zone 1 terminal?
And from the shock-we instructions I'd expect to have to add/remove a jumper to define Zone 1 as a simple NC circuit?
Can any of you friendly installers help with the jumpers I need to add/remove, or mail me the installation instructions for this sensor so I can read it myself?