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Everything posted by Rabmcnaught

  1. Hi there, no don’t hear personally from George much but hear he is doing really well in his retirement. I took over from George, and Edf treating my really well thanks, I work as a lowly security guard now, the days off are hard to get used too 4 on 6 off, crazy. I miss the hands on stuff, but this job has fantastic benefits.
  2. Thanks for the reply’s everyone, appreciated ian would this be still the case as I have the new contact workings fitted on zone 1, it was mainly to rule out a faulty contact. But still cant add in a 9th zone, that now being the old original contact. One minute I can’t clear the Tamper then when I delete it and re-learn it the fault will change to the door showing open and not walk testing, it’s strange when the Tamper fault exists it walk tests fine, the next time after I re-learn it will tell me zone is open and not seeing any Tamper. Bizarre, also Eaton won’t talk to me as I’m not a company and just doing it diy.
  3. Of course :-)
  4. The attributes are as the others programmed as normal alarm with part B on for night setting, I may remove a working detector and program this new one on the system so I still have 8 zones, to see if this makes any difference. Serves me right doing an old pal a favour in the first place, scantronic have zero technical advice for end users, but no issues buying the equipment.
  5. Hi, I’m sure the 16 zones are all within the control panel as it’s the only thing I have fitted. Haven’t tried a restart or power down as initially didn’t want to make the job any harder, if it lost programming or anything. Duplicate, I wouldn’t have thought so as each other zone walk tests fine. And the new contact is now in place of the original zone 1, this zone 9 is the old contact now. Thanks, may need to power down or restart.
  6. But I’ve moved it to the front door now the new contact and works fine, older contact which is the one I’m trying to work with now is doing the exact same, the contact is a 734r
  7. Good evening, I installed my first ion 16 a few years ago for a friend, easy panel to install 8 zones all wirless. Now fast forward to now, my friend wants another contact installed on his new pation doors, easy i thought? 4hrs and 2 visits in for the life of me I cant get this new contact on the system. Programmed on to zone 9 (next zone) no issues originally learned as normal with lid tamper and then when I tried to come out if engineers mode it said tamper zone 9, now this wasnt the case as tamper looped out on board and I am now making the spring and back tamper with my fingers pressing them, so after numerous fails i deleted it from system and tried again, this time no tamper but not walk testing and showing setting fault when setting, all link ok as exact same as other exsisting doors, now have it in my hand with magnet taped on to the contact next to panel. Now decided to renew battery just incase, still no joy. So removed this “new contact’ and deleted exsisting front door from system and re-learned this contact as the front door and worked perfect ruling out faulty contact. Now i have the ‘old exsisting contact learned on the new patio door’ with the exact same issues now happening, to the point when its asking me to learn the contact I take lid off and it doesnt see it, only once i remove the wire tamper link or back tamper will it recognise it to system,but then it doesnt walk test or see any state change, led works and can see it changing as magnet comes and goes, signal strength 8. Its so so infuriating, no tech support for diy end user from cooper either, tried on zone 10 too still nothing, so i can learn the contact to system and remove lid and it doesnt even see the lid tamper. Any help appreciated guys, i am at a loose end. Regards
  8. Hi everyone. Bit about me 37yrs old, started with Chubb fire and security at 16yrs old, worked there as an apprentice until 2001 and on to installation engineer within same depertment, 2007 started as a sub contractor mainly for Chubb then started as a the Chubb resident engineer (based at site) with their systems side on one of our nuclear power stations. 4yrs ago left the industry and started with EDF on the same power station, in a bit of a career change. Thanks.
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