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  1. Hi Guys, I'm not entirely sure that anyone other than an engineer could help me with this one, however I just need to confirm the engineers code for my G4 panel. The internal speaker has stopped working, this is the second time in three years. I need to replace the current dead one with new, but if I remember correctly from the last time I had to put in the Engineers code to stop it alarming when I opened the body of the panel. Is it possible to message me and I'll give you the two numbers that I remember, but could both be rubbish, and you confirm or deny if they're correct? I'm not asking for them to be posted in public. I'm not in any real rush to replace the speaker as its only for the entry/exit & keypad tones. If I open the device and set the alarm off I'll have to call Mono and they're going to charge me a minimum of £60 which I'd very much rather avoid. On a side note maybe... I can't use my user code to bypass this opening of the device can I? Maybe this will solve my issue before it even is one? Any help is to be very much appreciated. Regards, Antony
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