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Everything posted by Ian2

  1. Thank you James that fixed it, I have a RIO at 2 so I skipped over to 4. Whats the rules one this as I have another keypad to add?
  2. Hi, Its me again:-) Ive tried to add an extra keypad to my Flex 20. I have it at address 4, but looking at the system I have a keypad at 10, 50 and 19. The keypad at 19 is showing as 0% comms. If I remove keypad 0 and replace it with the suspect one with address set to 0 it works fine. Anybody get any ideas, I wonder if me plugging it in with different addresses has gone over the 4 keypad limit on the Flex 20?? Thanks, Ian.
  3. Is there an output which indicates all the zones are ok and ready to be armed. I could fix a timer to this output and drive an input for instant set?
  4. Ok Im going to use autoset to arm the alarm at knocking off time. Is it possible to locate a RKP in the area ( Group A2) so it controls the group and the existing Office (Group A1 ) carries on as normal? So basically can I locate a new Mk8 to only arm / disarm group A2?
  5. Hi, Have a groups setup on some storage building and want the alarm to set its self if all zones are ok and no tiggers for 60 min say Staff on site keep forgetting to set the alarm) Is this possible?I cant seem to see any good descriptions of what the 100's of functions do on the Galaxy.
  6. Thanks Guy's sorted now.
  7. I must have change it as I have tried the default ###REMOVED### and no work. Ive tried all may usual PIN's but eventually it locks the panel out for 5 min. I have a plan to wire all the 3 sensors in the garage in series and connect to the sensor input for the landing for now.
  8. East Sussex
  9. Oh well I will give it a go. I cant do anything with the one I have. Was thinking of switching to Yale wireless system.
  10. Dont know what you mean the bridge is free now:-) I cant seem to find anybody local. The smaller one man band installers dont work on Galaxy and the large ones just dont want to know. What I meant was we could talk. I can show you ID and show me logging into the panel with an L6 code . You could tell me how to do it. Ive tried connecting various pins together and removing the power, etc but its still coming up with my existing managers code. I may have a guy who will sell me a replacement PCB for £25 so that my next option.
  11. The embarrassing thing is I installed it 6 years ago and have forgotten what the engineers code is. Going to be about £75 for a new panel. Probably still cheaper that calling someone out though. Im surprised the new RIO loops dont default to being intruder mode. Any way to engage you in a professional capacity. I can provide my details over the phone of we can face time so you can verify my passport / driving license?
  12. Ah that why Im having so much trouble finding out how it is done. Im going to see how much a new pane is.
  13. Hi, I have a Galaxy Flex alarm installed in my house and I have added a RIO and second Key Pad to the system. Power off and on and the two new devices where discovered. Happy days! Unfortunately I don't know what the engineers code (but I have the managers code) it to set up the 3 sensors I have connected to the new RIO. If I open the PIR's I see tamper on 1021 as you would expect, but I cant walk test it and dont get an alarm triggered at the moment. Anybody know how to factory reset these panels. Cant see a batt or reset jumper on the board? The board is 2010 vintage with V3.1 code.
  14. Anyone got a faulty Mk8 I can scavenge a LCD off?
  15. Anyone know if its possible to buy a new LCD for the Mk8 keypads. My customer punched it and cracked the LCD!
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