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  1. Hi Thanks for the replies Is this not an invasion of my privacy I was not given any indication that someone else could access my alarm system remotely via a cloud administrator account (without my prior knowledge )and add and remove remote devices which I am not able to do myself Surely I have a case for being mis- sold a system that I had no control over as far as the cloud app remote access is concerned If I am unable to use a different phone or even allow my family members to be added without asking a total stranger to do it for me and give them access to their information ,then that is an invasion of privacy that I was never informed about or indeed sanctioned
  2. Hi Thank you for the quick reply So are you saying I cannot ever have control of my system Everytime I need to add a phone on the Home App I need approval from another person who I don’t even know If I change my user code I will still have the same problem as the installer will still have full control of my system ( administrator ) If that is the case I don’t know why I bothered getting the alarm with remote access I worry because if he is in charge of my account then he knows when my alarm is set and when it is disarmed If someone hacked his computer then they would also get this information How on earth can something like this happen To pay a lot of money for an alarm to have someone else with control over it I find that totally unbelievable and quite alarming Is there no way I can remove this person and have administration rights to the alarm system I actually own Sorry if this sounds like a rant
  3. Hi I use Home+ plus App on my IPhone with Pyronix Alarm System My alarm was fitted a few months ago and when I changed my phone I could not add it on the app,it was saying it needed to be approved by the administrator Surely I should be the administrator of my own alarm system I am not entirely happy about this Why should some-one other than myself have control over my system Has anyone or does anyone know how I would get administration rights and control of my own system
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