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Everything posted by Plosscrot

  1. That was going to be plan b
  2. Ive swapped the baluns out. I even made a test rig (bout 2mts cable) so I could confirm the camera, which I got working. Voltage is stable 12vdc from a 1A psu The inly thing I can think of is it might need cat5/6 screened if the cable is interfering with the galv conduit. Suppose I best rewire the damn thing again using twin track.
  3. Hi all. baluns. They should be easy, for me, pain in the butt. Query-Cat6 cable, analogue system (using concept pro 5in1 cameras onto a concept pro recorder) Balun king baluns. I find these very temperamental, but anyway got 3 out of 4 working but the last one just wont have it. swapped cameras (they are new) with a spare, see screen image. 12v down same cat6. Install is in 20mm galv conduit, 20mtrs. Checked camera locally with baluns works fine, checked with same baluns then installed, see the result. Have also swapped baluns, no different. Cable is fine, no nicks, new. ideas?
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