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  1. Thanks Andy. So far so good. All working as it should be with new fuse
  2. Hi Andy. The fuse was blown. Its the one on the left.
  3. I agree but i will see if it blows up again
  4. Mange to resolve the issue. It was bell box fuse in the panel.
  5. Thanks james. How do i overcome this issue. I dont have much experience with these stuff
  6. Hi. This is my first post so pls apologies if i have something which is already been answered. I had Honeywell Accenta G4 installed about 2.5 yrs ago. Was working absolutely fine until last night when it decided to start siren externall syren. Usually when this happens it triggers a call but it not doing that. To turn the syren silent, i had to turn off the main panel from mains and take the backup battrry out which was installed with the system about 2.5 years ago. If I now turn the main panel on from mains without the battery connected, it still starts external siren without initiating call. Do i need to replace the battery ? Is this the normal behaviour when its time to replace the battery. Any assistance is much appreciated
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