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Everything posted by MrWaghorn

  1. You need to up your rates my friend
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Optima-XM6-Burglar-Alarm-Control-Panel-For-Sale/312840113121?hash=item48d6b94be1:g:QeUAAOSwbY5dyBr6 Here? A bit pricey though but all good things cost money. Sadly this isn't a good thing.
  3. Why not use orisec panels also? I know pyronix are cheaper but honestly those orisec keypads are a league of their own...
  4. I laughed way more than I should of at that...
  5. Yes there are batteries, also its the G4 accenta (the smaller one) with the newer LCD keypad
  6. That never happened...
  7. Hi all, my accenta alarm has gone totally nuts whilst I was away on holiday. We sent a relative over to switch it off and it disarmed fine. They set it and went away and it was all fine. We have come back and again it was fine. I tried to enter engineers code using my changed code but it wouldn't accept it. I have also tried the default code but that didn't work either. I used the user code to check the event log and it shows that there was a mains faliure despite the fact that there was no power cut (judging by the fact that the oven clock is still the same). The time and date have also defaulted. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Kind regards - Mr Waghorn
  8. OK So Aico, don't have to worry about interlinking as its only for a caravan, so will only be one. I would have gone for an Aico but thought I might as well asked. Thanks for your help
  9. It has come to the time to replace our smoke alarm, but what one would you recommend? TIA.
  10. Yeah they are pretty good for what they offer! Dont forget to add the VAT though... I made that mistake once
  11. If you send them an e-mail they can sort somthing out for you. I am only 14 and only do installs for relatives and family freinds, so not much in terms of registered companies here. The sales team are great and will try to accommodate you as well as they can
  12. I have used a couple of euro minis. They are pretty good but I wouldn't fit them. Before I moved to Orisec the deltabell was my sounder of choice but the back light did get on my nerves. You could either choose one that only lights up half of the box or one that looks really weak.
  13. Those bloody paragons are the devils work! Programming is an absolute nightmare and the key combinations are stupid. I have one in my collection, which I should really bin because the power supply is whacked. It runs when on batteries though so why not keep it? My god I have a problem...
  14. If you shoot them an email I'm sure they could sort somthing for you
  15. I have to say Orisec is pretty nice, personally I haven't had any issues but I have heard some bad comments about them from other people. (must be texecom making fake accounts!) I went on a tour of their factory almost a year ago now. Pretty impressive stuff. I got a sample bellbox a couple of months ago after opening an account. I have to say the backlighting is some of the best I've seen!
  16. And more... https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Technical/DataSheets/Ade/Opticam_installer.pdf ADE Opti-Cam (as mentioned here previously) installation manual. I wonder if there are any of these still in use? https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Technical/DataSheets/Ade/Opticam_installer.pdf Scantronic 3000 (branded as modern alarms) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Chubb-Windsor-LCD-Alarm-Keypad/143006428685?hash=item214bd8ee0d:g:xJMAAOSwkfxb5JKS A Chubb Winsor LCD keypad. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Complete-Burglar-and-Smoke-Alarm-System/192920650317?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20180816085401%26meid%3Dabdf784d7fb846b8ae663aa967205a5d%26pid%3D100970%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D15%26sd%3D143006428685%26itm%3D192920650317%26pg%3D2481888&_trksid=p2481888.c100970.m5481&_trkparms=pageci%3A65fca639-a741-11e9-ac0d-74dbd180d397|parentrq%3Af7618c0d16b0a4e922b8de82ff5b5907|iid%3A1 Looks like a very large domestic rip out. Must have cost loads originally. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ADT-Karizma-Plus-Alarm-Panel-Keypad-and-ID-Biscuits-1-10/192983619199?hash=item2ceeb8567f:g:38sAAOSwyy5dJajf 'ADT' ADE Karizma with biscuits (yay). I have the manual for this somewhere and its over 100 pages long! Would have been very advanced for its day. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Flash-Guard-External-Alarm-Bell-Box/123535732128?hash=item1cc34dada0:g:QnQAAOSwJ31cDWeA https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/A-DECOY-FLASHGUARD-Mk-1-ALARM-BOX/293153203044?hash=item44414ae364:g:fD8AAOSw-hVdLHrI Some more brightly coloured FlashGuards, lots of these popping up recently... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Melcom-ST6500-Remote-Keypad/312457163431?hash=item48bfe5f2a7:g:SX4AAOSwmrNcVc-0 One of maplins D.I.Y wired keypad things. Always wondered what these were like. It seems by the button layout it could be based on the accenta / optima but could be somthing different. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Honeywell-Glassbeak-Simulator-FG-701/273604891846?hash=item3fb41f54c6:g:aUcAAOSwhfRcD0iC And finally a Honeywell GlassBreak Simulator. Made obsolete by smartphones and the such.
  17. Ok so only the one from me but found this quite intresting... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DA-Systems-Abacus-Combined-Microphone-Loudspeaker-Unit/192931343998?hash=item2ceb9aae7e:g:ETwAAOSwodNc3UoO
  18. Yes its back in day mode. The user log - DOY! How couldn't I have thought of that haha. Thanks for the help - MrWaghorn
  19. Hi all! So after coming back from a weekend away I noticed the outside siren was flashing, but no alarm inside or out. When I opened the front door it did the usual entry beeps but REALLY LOUDLY and when I entered in the code it displayed numbers 1-8 and a load of zeros then TP and TP. There were reports of power cuts nearby but the oven clock was still showing the correct time. Also the alarm itself is about a year old so I assume its not the battery. If anyone has a suggestion to what the cause may be please let me know. Thanks in advance - MrWaghorn
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