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Everything posted by Shadrack

  1. I live in South Africa so our currency is Rand, plus I live quite far away from the closest companies, they want between R500 and R600 to come have a look. excluding the work. a bit steep in my opinion considering they will add labour etc on top of that when they see it. Considering the newer LCD keypads are ~R1100, I could just double what they want and go get the new LCD keypad so I can at least see what's going on vs the LED keypad now. And considering when I DID hire someone to come do it a few years ago they charged R450 to look, R300 to "fix", they broke the strobe, which was working, broke a facia board, then said it's impossible to fix that unit and left. :/ So forgive me if I'm being critical of the experiences I've had trying to get it working
  2. Thank you!
  3. Good day all! I hope you can help.. I inherited an old (12+ year) Texecom alarm 4 zone (I see all the current stuff is 8 zone expandable) this is 4 solid expandable.. so.. discontinued maybe? which I'd like to restore to working condition. The tenants of the place didn't know the code. The landlords didn't know the code. The battery is long gone so I replaced the 12v battery, reset to default, and checked all the wiring. The keypad is an LED model saying "Premier". So I plug the battery in, plug AC in, it turns on. Of course all the lights are red etc along with the Trouble light. I got into Engineers mode with ##REMOVED## Mode 9, then I set date and time (options 95 and 96 ) and it's happy. I've tried to reprogram the zones, which I have mapped to figure what is where. it's 5 zones, 2 wired into 1 (both are the doors so that's fine.) The doors are standard reed switches (one broken, gonna replace this weekend), one in good working condition. zone 2 is lounge passive PIR, zone 3 is the passage, zone 4 is the bedroom. All passives have their indicator lights which flick on when I am in front of it. so all wired up fine. Using engineer mode to test siren and strobe, that all works. I tried to program all the zones, but after I am done, all the zone lights I programmed stay lit. They do not "trigger" when I walk in front of that zone, nor do they turn off. I've reprogrammed multiple times and still the same. Any help would be amazing. I can supply more info if I've left anything out. The local alarm companies all say they won't reconfigure that unit and will happily rip it all out, dispose of it and install theirs, for a fee of course. (Yeah.. sure they'll be happy to do that..) not to mention they want to rip me off to even just come look at it. Thanks in advance everyone/anyone!
  4. Hey all! I'm Shadrack, I'm new here obviously. Just looking for assistance with my alarm issues and I'll throw any knowledge I have to anyone else I can help
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