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Everything posted by EDinMK

  1. tx all. will research. rats. cats. squirrels. my feet. wifes ar $e there is nothing he won't go for lol. but I love him to bits..for some strange reason.
  2. thats what i did Al, but the Yale is a Shiece of Pit! it doesnt have a wired sounder and it doesnt have the range of accessories and its not for me I guess i will just hunt about ....I mean there ARE bundles out there ..but when i add the accessories they are doubling up ...scantronic, Pyronix etc etc just frustrating for a DIY fitter is all Listen if i had spare cash ..ofc i would get a REAL fitter to do it for me ... ..I am not daft .....just a little ....well, skint tx for your help, and no i am NOT a light sleeper, i could sleep through WW3 but the dogs won't...say hello to Trevor
  3. well its not the house value..its what you paid for it in the first place, which was a small mortgage 30 years ago we dont have all that hi tech stuff and we dont have kids and so we dont plan to ...dearest thing is probably the telly which was £400 2 years ago its more for a safety thing than anything in all honesty ..if they came in here what could they take? ...the TV and the food mixer LOL i got a few power tools in the shed ...but nothing big name and with £200 at Wickes you could replace them all with new ones its just burglars dont KNOW this and we just want to keep them out of the house !!! ..its the mess and upset. I mean if I am in bed and the dog starts barking I will reach around the back of the wardrobe and bring out my old 40" Katana ...I used to collect them So bearing in mind it will cut right through a frozen lamb leg ...its more to keep ME out of trouble as well as THEM !
  4. not sure what phones u have Norman ...but I am 52 not into these smart jobbies ...just get a nice cheapy that wont break my heart if i drop it off a ladder ! So you think the above is "ok" on price ? or do u think i woul dbe better with a Pyronix ... not sure exactly how the alerts work on both of them ...doesnt look like the old "diallers" they used to have i am guessing? Also I dont want to be lumbered with a wireless box ...I looked about and someone said they do one that can be "wired" as a workaround why dont they bloody still STOCK wired boxes ..I mean how hard can it be to have some terminals Where this box is going i dont want to be arsing about ...I mean tamper wont be necessary as you would need to Spidermans climbing coach to get to it !
  5. Well i might be If you know where to go I was thinking this kit here Texecom Ricochet Kit 2 32 Zone Wireless Kit with Sounder adding 2 x Texecom Premier Compact Wireless Pet Detector [PW-W] 3 x Texecom GHA-0001 Micro Contact-W White 868Mhz 1 x Texecom Ricochet DP-W Personal Panic Attack button you are right it does start racking up I am hoping this kit will have an inbuild dialer or app or something for alerts ...not much info also confused about the sounder ...its Wireless although some sites suggest it can be wired by arsing about with a "22k resistor" or something Its never easy ! Would pyronix save me £££?
  6. Well I have deceided to flog on this Yale Kit IA220, thanks to being misadvised several months ago I have ended up with a load of accessories that should work but dont they are for Easyfit system ...still 866 but not compatible ... anyway I am going to flog it all on ebay and get a decent one I initially looked at Pyronix and Texecom I am pretty sure the Texecom system would work out cheaper ...perhaps. what do you guys think I need a system that ** Comes with Wired Bellbox (the only wired kit i need) ** Comes Wireless Panic Button **Comes with a dialer or some way of notification then the standard kit i need is 5 x Wireless PIR 4 x Wireless Contacts Any Suggestions for me welcomed
  7. what a a testicle ache i just looked at my windows and these are almost identical i dont know what they cant make some form of "wedge" to fix them to ..i really dont something like this could work,as long as the tape was strong enough ...no reason it wouldnt work ? screwing is an option too
  8. hmmm Perhaps i am being a bit dumb I drew a little drawing Basically even if i put a spacer under the mag contact on the window, and get it to the same "height" as the wireless sender ...the sender is too far away (if you get me) i mean it is a upvc window but it has fancy plastic 18mm bead around everywhere, and so there is no SQUARE finish between the fram and window anywhere I hope u get what i mean
  9. Looks Good! But I have ANOTHER enigma, and i have watched videos on youtube etc ..but none seem to show this. Basically if you look at their windows (below) you can see the window is a GOOD 3/4 inch deeper than the actual frame. I mean i know the magnetic contact always goes window/door side. but even when closed it will be still a good 5mm away from even lining up opposing edges never mind facing ! and i am presuming it needs to be facing each other ....so would this be a "packer" job ? I mean I dont recall ever seeing a magnetic contact sitting or jutting out on what would be a lego brick block before or am i not looking LOL
  10. omg ..i found this site that seems to do all the names above but by god is it confusing https://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/ how d i KNOW if the control unit supports a wired bell? and whats the deal with no backplate and cover...er ...isn't that all there is !
  11. Well they do have internet for sure. Cant have anything on stairs as dogs run up there too. So with Texecom I can get a dialler unit ? I just though a nice bundle would reduce the cost ... Is there only really TWO affordable/quality self fit alarm alternatives ..Tex or Pyr seems a narrow market to me
  12. thanks but they do like to keep busy and with hospital and stuff (one is getting treatment for C) then they are out a bit But anyway I have decided to PIR that room as its locked when they go out anyway So i look around t'interweb amnd i suppose i need a "hybrid" an alarm with wireless and cabled features and i get to here ..Scantronic 40 zone hybrid control panel - Security Warehouse how confusing is this I need a Box with Keyfobs (preferrably) A dialler unit to call relatives 3 x Wireless PIR 8 Wireless Contacts 1 x Panic Button 1 x Wired Bellbox none of the kits seem to match this setup ...guess i am looking at separates
  13. and its quite big too i just took a snap
  14. actually i didn't know what it looked like so i nipped over a took a pic its quite big ...really 6 foot across by 4+ feet tall
  15. thanks James it is UPVC and has 2 side openings and one int he middle at the top (although not sure anyone could get in there) I dont really know how these shock sensors work ..I mean the windows are always latched closed and need to be push button to turn so I am presuming a robber would either break the glass or pry the window ...
  16. Well i guess the next stage is some advice on what to get Please guys: The house I need to cover needs the folloing Conservatory Door (contact or shock ..probably) Patio Door (contact or shock ..probably) Kitchen Door (Contact) Kitchen window has 2 openings ...would a shock sensor be better?) Util Room is always closed so thinking PIR Dining Room Window has 3 openings ...What do u suggest? Front Door (thinking Contact) downstairs WC (1 opening) Lounge Window has 3 openings (but as this is closed at night a PIR would be ok?) The dogs have the run of most of the house, when they are in bed or go out , except for lounge/util/wc they climb on stuff like crazy, they are jack russells ..you cant teach them s**t Upstairs they only want a panic button in bedroom. There is only 1 room they want to secure its like a 2nd bedroom , and its always closed ...nothing of real value in here, but sentimental photos and old stuff they want protecting ..so I am thinking PIR in there too all this with a wired Bell Box So where should i go and what should i be asking for I will have to self-fit as the cost will be more than the Yale (obviously) I am not too thick and so unless its a beast i should be OK
  17. OK OK You lot scared me ...I am going to get this Yale and Bits on Ebay and see if i can AFFORD a better system for them and get my money back (well some of it) i don t want to be over theirs every weekend arsing with some error or other Now i go back on the Google search for an alarm with a dialler, shock contacts, wired bellbox and a few door contacts and a panic button for as close to £250 as i can i know i know
  18. i mean these cells are listed as 1.5V drawing 16500 Mah so looking online it SEEMS a nice high number not sure how old they are ...but when you take the cover off... it blows the wax out of your ears....so they are not flat!. i nearly fell over the dog
  19. I mean i COULD fit Lithiums ....but arent they CRAZY Money for 4 D Cells ? I have no experience but just HOW longer lasting are they ?
  20. Also ..I have noticed the Yale does not list a "shock sensor" as an accessory ...which is crazy. they are missing a trick i think
  21. also i have had a thought that in the event of an AC cut the alarm box wifi would need to be re-paired or learned or whatever so ....its back to the d Cells. It come with Varta Power One x 4 ...is there anything LONGER LASTING I can fit. excluding the exorbitant Lithiums OFC
  22. That's not the same alarm i have its the IA series (although not sure what the difference is) But i think what we have to realise here is 1. not EVERYONE has several hundreds of pound to fit an alarm 2. Not everyone needs a host of features and configurations you find on expensive models 3. ANY alarm is better than NO ALARM (even if its only marginally) Not sure how many alarms Yale sell but I am guessing its thousands a year probably several thousand. So if they were all ****, they would stop production through loss ...So I am presuming they are at least OK ..anything can have a fault For Example I have a nice car (i think so) its a 17 Plate Range Rover Next Door has a 13 Plate Kia I am SURE it doesn't have half the features mine has ...but it has ALL he needs ..and his services wont cost £500 either ! or he wont be paying £489 a month in repayments ! Do I swagger about when we are in the drive together...No What I am saying here is CHEAP isn't always **** and value for money is SUBJECTIVE dependant on needs and funds anyway ..i will let u know how i get on with my adaption of the sounder ...who knows i may convert you all to Yale-ys
  23. well panel is in the bin last year, they have never seen it working and the sun had worn all the writing off ..the only reason i know its a gardiner as it was wrote inside. it had a small pcb in there and a leaky large battery ...sort of oval thing. But someone had cut the wire years ago and just taped it up inside with sellotape ...nice the box MIGHT be a gardiner too ....but then again its been repainted several times by the look of it ...it may have once been white, but its been repainted red at leasty twice and it has no stickers on it ...or they have been painted over .....inside is a pair of BELLS ...not a siren ...it looks like 2 alarm clock bells with a transformer between them I am presuming its worthless buddy ...unless I am wrong
  24. another good reason for powering via a wire then ! just switch off the supply i dot fancy knocking this off to be honest. think about a dorma window ..think about an alarm box right above it cannot be reached by ladder from any side without WALKING on old tiles ! or putting a platform on each side and then planks acrosss
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