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Everything posted by hankhank10

  1. Good advice, appreciate it
  2. Thanks. If an installer wants to put in a new system does that entail replacing all the sensors, etc? Or can a new panel use the existing wiring and sensors? If getting a new panel basically involves getting a new system then I will probably pull out what is in there already and replace with a more modern wireless system (eg Ring or Simplisafe). How much am I looking at do you think for a service and labour to replace the panel? Thanks
  3. That's brilliant, thank you! I have no idea when the alarm was last serviced - perhaps never. I know that the old owners used it and reported no issues. At a minimum I would want to do a like-for-like replacement for a panel which isn't bashed and dirty. Would this be a simple job (ie read the manual, disconnect old one, reconnect new one with wires in the same place) for someone utterly unskilled (can wire a plug, not much beyond), or would I need to get a professional in? If there are upgraded versions which look more modern, have features such as unlocking with a keyfob / wifi connection then I'd be keen to upgrade to the latest version. I've got no appetite for a complete rework of the system - good enough is good enough for me. Thanks for your assistance in identifying it - wouldn't have known where to start otherwise.
  4. Evening I have just bought a house with an old, but seemingly functional, intruder alarm. I would like to replace the panel with a more modern one but can't identify the brand or model or where to start as there are no identifying marks or labels on it. Can anyone help me identify the panel below and point me towards suggestions for an upgrade option? Thanks!
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