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Steve Smith

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  1. I am fitting a panel to a property in the Philippines and i need to use two separate keypads RKP1 will be in the main house and i would like to make the entry exit contact one of the zones from the keypad as it reduces the cabling requirement. Is this possible and what zones do they map in to the system as ? The second keypad is in the store room again an entry exit on RKP2 for the local area only (this is otherwise a 24 hour area) when i have one movement sensor and and entry zone on this where do they map into the system ? When commissioning a second smartcom temporally to my network the second smartcom overwrote the the settings of the first one (i have resolved this ) is this normal as the both come originate fro the same WAN ip address I have wintex and the installation manual these arent explicit in their explanations Thanks in advance Steve
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