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Chris Hutch

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  1. It is in a cupboard under the stairs... Christ!
  2. Sorry and apologies. September 2018
  3. I’m having issues with same alarm - was painting outside of house and went to unscrew the alarm cover. Turned the screw once and alarm went off. Mrs turned it off from indoors and I am now getting the following error messages - The following errors/problems now occurs; Omit Zone Lid Tamper KO1 Tamper - Alert 4 08 All have Inactive under them. HELP! I have taken Lid off and disconnected the battery and Then reconnected and closed lid - No luck. Thank Chris - [TELEPHONE NUMBER REMOVED BY ADMIN]
  4. All, I’m having issues with same alarm - was painting outside of house and went to unscrew the alarm cover. Turned the screw once and alarm went off. Mrs turned it off from indoors and I am now getting the following error messages - 3 problems - omit zone Lid Tamper KO1 Tamper - alert err 4 08 all have Inactive under them. HELP! I have taken Lid off and disconnected the batt and put it back together and closed lid. No luck. Thank you Chris
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