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  1. Folks, would appreciate constructive rather than flaming/tongue in cheek comments please. My installer charged a fair price and is very friendly & knowledgeable. I came on here looking for a second opinion in case something may have been overlooked and perhaps given the experience in these forums someone had seen something similar that they had resolved. Cheers
  2. I've been struggling to reach my engineer recently and I was looking to get other opinions in case it was something else that had been overlooked to resolve this long-standing issue - thanks
  3. Hi I just checked a few settings via the web interface - thanks all for your replies The zone throwing up the error is the door contact sensor. The hallway PIR is disabled (as it should be) At my installer's suggestion we had it on Final Door but changed it to Timed Set to see if it was any better What I don't understand is the intermittent nature of the fault around 10% of the time but it has happened more recently. My installer tested the door contact sensor and thought it was working fine. It throws up the error when I put in my code and press A to fully arm with the door open (I think it might also do it with closed but can't remember) Yes when I set via the app, I then unset from the keypad on entry and it's all fine. Picks up the entry as normal when I open the door. Does anyone know whether any firmware updates have been released for the Ion-40H this year and whether this is a known bug that's been fixed now? My installer spoke with Eaton last Autumn who said they were aware of a bug that could cause this issue and a fix was due towards end of the year then early this year but I don't know whether something has been released yet or if it is definitely a bug as I'd expect a bug in software to more typically cause consistent rather than intermittent behaviour...
  4. From memory, it only seems to throw up the error if the door is open first before setting, which is the most convenient way to set it when leaving for me.
  5. Hi Peter Thanks for your quick response We do have a hallway PIR but it is disabled due to acrobatic cats setting it off. The entry point front door is managed by a simple contact sensor for entry & exit. No false alarms or other errors on it. Walk tests fine. We have a timed delay on entry and exit
  6. Hi We have an Eaton Ion-40H Alarm with Hybrid Setup (Wired sensors from old system plus mostly new scantronic wired ones) Since the install was completed several months ago when we leave the house around 10% of the time (although it has been more frequent recently) and set the alarm to full set from the keypad master panel activating the front door exit countdown we get a single beep and an error on the display 'Setting Faults Z000 A Font Door'. The alarm will refuse to set and I have to then close the door and set the alarm from my phone through the app (it sets fine straight after from phone). The sensor is a wired contact sensor on the front door that we re-used from my previous system and my installer tested it saying he believes it was fine and didn't need replacing. It is strange that the error is intermittent and it is happening more frequently recently. I have spoken numerous times to my installer over the last few months since the install who advises that Eaton think they recognise the problem as a known bug and it should have been resolved in a firmware update this year. I haven't been able to reach my installer recently and as a member of the public don't have access to see what the firmware updates contain. I wondered if anyone else familiar with Eaton alarms could provide any further advice? Many thanks in advance for your time and help
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