Just because its old it doesn't need replacement if it's tested and serviced it doesn't need replacing unless it fails
I find that most estate agents don't give a **** about the alarm system working or not
But then again does it really matter how likely is this to happen
domestics almost never have monitoring and if so it's most likely keyholder monitoring and if they are paying that much for monitoring they will be willing to call someone else out
For commercial where police monitoring is common for medium to high value shops in all cases they will always call a engineer in
You don't even need to be registered on most of them literally anyone can access them from the manufacturer
Pyronix takes the cake as it literally online
I literally have downloaded the texecom veritas and premier RNRR tool, pyronix Anti code tool, technistore remote reset and Orisec remote reset online and it wasn't hard at all
Wired bells are universal would recommend something like a pyronix delta bell
As al said try linking the tamper at the bell to see if the fault goes away if it does its the bell that's faulty
If it doesn't its the cable that is faulty
I would recommend getting a engineer in to wire it if you are confused
But I hope this helps
wire output a to zone 8
Wire output b to zone 9
And wire fault output to zone 10
using the provided diagram
Connect 12v and 0v to panel 12v and 0v
Connect arm to pgm on panel
If you are having to top up your pay as you go sim perhaps you should look into fixing those false alarms
I do have quite a few sites with csl digiairs with keyholder response including my house but most customers will quite adamantly not pay the £75 a year cost but then again its thier choice not mine
At least I'm not selling a system that has "guard response" with some very questionable kit and installers like some certain company
Planned attacks are rare according to statistics 85% of break ins are not conducted by professional burglars
I don't just rely on app notifications as even I know that all alarm apps are awful
But the GSM speech dialler is perfectly reliable for domestics which uses the exact same signals as a csl dualcom
in fact from experience it can take up to 5 minutes of the dualcom being offline before the customer even gets informed and on some older versus units you don't get a offline message at all
Pyronix app is definitely the best
orisec app with GSM SD works perfectly fine for most domestics and has transmitted the signals successfully on several genuine break ins
Tbh what I learned is most insurer's (here at least)don't care or mandate a alarm system for most domestics and small low value commercial the only places I know that demanded a insurance approved alarm are large commercial and high risk commercial but always check before though most of my customers just want the alarm for peace of mind and not for insurance