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Everything posted by BaconAndCabbage

  1. Adding a resistor is far easier than adding a power burning, heating up relay. However I'm wondering does it need something like a relay to draw more current so it can turn the pin off. I'm going to try and locate a relay and I'll report back.
  2. I was hoping to avoid increasing complexity by adding a relay. All I need a 12v and 0v signal, What I wanted to do was put say a 4.7k resistor across it and 12V. That way I'd get 12V at the PGM pin when it was "off" and 0v when it was on. The issue of course is that it doesn't seem to ever turn off.
  3. Are you telling me to put a relay across it and see what happens?
  4. I actually just want to use it to monitor when the alarm's set via a wifi dongle I made, so I need no current really. I have it set to turn on when home or away or armed, but it never changes from being a ground.
  5. It's connected to ground. I've checked with a meter and it's connected to ground.
  6. It doesn't appear to be floating, it has continuity with ground.
  7. Hi, Does anyone know how the PGM output on the Visonic powermax+ is supposed to operate? I assumed originally that it was just pulled low when active, but it seems to be low all the time. You can see some info on topic here where another user was also confused by it: https://www.thesecurityinstaller.co.uk/community/topic/25353-powermax-pgm-output/ I've tried pulling it up with resistors, but it won't switch "off".
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