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Everything posted by Smith.gf09

  1. Hi I am hoping someone can help me. When completing commissioning paperwork it asks for PSU current in alarm and normal. Now I've heard multiple ways of obtaining the current readings, can anyone point me in the right direction. The ways of obtaining these readings are as follows.... - Step down side of transformer in series with PCB (however this obviously gives a DC reading) - Take current readings for all devices then add these together (however this doesn't take into account the draw of the panel) - Use battery current readings (however there is a separate section on the paperwork for battery current) Now ACT meters state that this should be obtained using the first method. However in the NSI code of practice handover checklist it states "log the normal DC current loadings of all power supplies". http://www.nsi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/NACP-11-1-Code-of-Practice-Intruder.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwicm7Kdnb3rAhVCXxoKHSMeA6YQFjAAegQIBBAC&usg=AOvVaw2_ErP3wXi-6ScPSJbZc2wI
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