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Anthony Hart

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    Trinidad & Tobago

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  1. Ok, no probs. Thx for the heads up
  2. Thank you for that info James, but it all sounds a bit above my head. But are you saying that you think I may actually manage to get it to work? If that's the case maybe you can sort of point me in a particular direction, as if talking to a neophyte - which I am. For example where or how do I acquire any of the rf receivers you talk about. That being said, if you think I'm really too green to understand please don't worry. I am quite aware of my shortcomings in this area lol.
  3. Hahaha, gotcha!. Well the dog is out coz I'm a cat lover so ne'er the twain shall meet right? Ok then and much thanks to all responders. Posting here has been an eye-opener for me. I don't need any more new detectors than what already came with the system but I would need an external wireless siren to complement the internal wired one so I'll concentrate on getting that and installing the new panel and have done. Cheers to all....
  4. You may be quite right Peter but where do I go from here then? If it is this rolling code thing does that mean that what I want to do is impossible?
  5. Yes Peter its Chinese absolutely! I almost needed a translator to decipher the instructions! lol.
  6. Hi and thanks for all the replies. I'm really not sure about the actual age of the systems in question but they were new, according to the Ebay seller. And yes, there are pretty cheap (as I am) $40.00 t0 $50.00 US for a fair amount of sensors. a siren etc. etc. You can check them out there easily if you search for "wireless burglar alarm systems" and they sure do work! To address Mr. Sixwheeldbeast, you are correct my friend. The new panel uses an enrollment system unlike the old one which, as I mentioned, appears to use the jumper block. Not being sure how these things connect to each other I nevertheless suspect that it's not too complicated to get them to communicate. I would think that if I can determine what frequency the new panel uses to signal its sensors I should be able to program the jumpers in the old sensors appropriately. Am i making sense? I am attaching some pics to help out anyone who cares to take another shot at it.
  7. Hi there. I'm totally new at this. The problem is I bought a wireless home burglar system from ebay some years ago and it became defective. I went ahead and bought what looked like a similar one but it wasn't and the new panel is not connecting with my old sensors. Both say they use 433mhz to work. My old sensors have a jumper block whereas the new ones don't. Anybody has any ideas how I can get the old sensors to work with the new panel?
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