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Rich Lindley

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Everything posted by Rich Lindley

  1. Ok thankyou I’ll go up and check tomorrow.???
  2. Brilliant thanks for help lads Yes the led must have failed as it still sets alarm off. the bell box with green light rings but bell box with red Light doesn’t.
  3. It was inspected July time when it was working fine,would only 1 pir go out if a fuse had gone or would it take all pir’s out? also could the red light on bell box be a fuse?
  4. Thanks for your time peter The one bell box has green strobe light moves left to right,the other used to too but now it flashes red.pir in room 5 doesn’t light when you move like in other 7 rooms.
  5. Hi I wonder if anyone can help me ….I noticed one of my two outside bell box flashing red. Just looked and zone 5 pir not working. it’s an accenta G4 mini and thesystem sets and unsets fine .
  6. Thanks for your help
  7. No just found fuse it’s fine,all sensors light up fine I’ve obviously done something wrong as there’s a load beep when I try and press the 4th number of any code. The 3 numbers go in fine and there seems to be an error noise on the 4th number.
  8. Thankyou mate I’ll check fuse then any idea where it will be?
  9. Can anybody help please? I have an Accenta 8 EP 416 led keypad. Before Xmas we converted garage to a bedroom so today was trying to add garage sensor to the night omit program. now it’s not doing anything and the spanner lights illuminated it’s stopped responding to anything the only light not illuminated is the sos one.
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