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Everything posted by rpatel2

  1. @sixwheeledbeast thank you. I will install without it.
  2. Hi all I've just been trying to demo out my predominately wireless ION-40H system. The only part which is wired, is the sounder. Most of the connections have a direct label in the control panel, however, i'm getting confused over the ENG input which appears on my siren. The manual says, output of type "installer on Site". However, i cannot locate a relevant connection on my control panel I've attached manual screenshots of both the bell inputs and my control panel diagram. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you
  3. Many thanks for your response @al-yeti I was wondering, the page numbers you've quoted. What guide is that referring to? Is this the configuration manual?
  4. Hi all I've recently purchased a new build home and unfortunately, the developer didn't offer the option to lay alarm cable for a wired installation. Due to financial constraints, i wanted to fit a predominately wireless system myself. I purchased a I-on40H kit with 3 x wireless PIRs, 1 x wireless door contact and 1 x wireless keypad. I also separately purchased one wired sounder. I wanted to fit one additional wired PIR and i have a spare texecom wired PIR from my parents alarm system. Can i use this in my system? This PIR will involve an extremely short cable run from the panel, probably less than 1.5m. Please note, my alarm system isn't live yet as I'm waiting for an electrician to fit a spur which can power the controller, but i've been reading up on the manuals. I wasn't planning on using any wired PIRs, but i thought since I have this spare one, perhaps it might be useful and much cheaper than getting another wireless one. I'm getting a bit confused regarding the resistors, however, i know this texecom PIR has a built-in resistor (if required - using jumper settings) I have 6 core alarm cable, and i was going to use all 6 cores in my wiring. There are no other wired PIRs or wired door contacts, this one texecom PIR will be the only wired detector in my whole system. I'm not quite sure if I need a resistor or where it goes, at present i've assumed I don't need it and the texecom PIR jumper setting is left open. There is already a 2k2 resistor inserted between AUX and TAMP, i would remove this. Can some please validate attached my wiring diagram, assuming texecom wired PIR would work. Many thanks for your help in advance,
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