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  1. I've been watching this feed for weeks...
  2. I love that you took time to write this. Many thank you's. I am feeling all the brick walls... you are right... but I also watch very cool wildlife cams from all around the world, and know it can be done. I'm here to lessen (but likely not eliminate) my failures this year. Last year had plenty of flubups. I can now see how the wyze cam method of connection is a no go. Thank you. It is crucial that I have live streamed video, at good resolution. Thats a big part of the project. I love this idea, its sort what I am attempting by having these conversations. But at the beginning, I'm so clunky I turn people off. With your help I can be closer to where I need to be. But delegation sounds lovely. Might be next year tho. I am painting a picture for this year... of my father having a POE camera kit, with a HDD hub and a video out to his TV, being my starting point. No internet needed initially. Then I begin the process of learning the safest manner to live stream to youtube/facebook. In my amateur mind... I would see a firewall set up in which only outbound is allowed. (I bet that is naive) either via his desktop and building wifi or an independent ISP. Do you think if I started with a kit like this, and ran it for the year, I could begin to make a game plan for a safe outbound streaming method? Or should I look at another camera system? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B094XVH5SR/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_1?smid=A22EYB2OIILVQA&th=1 I'm all ears, but I do need to move on this soon, the woodpeckers are looking for a nest. Tor PS, I am a life long photographer and have a ton of needs from the camera, but I feel more comfortable with that end of things, so I'm leaving that whole part of this out of the discussion.
  3. My apologies. The main problem is my poor understanding of security issues. "In basic terms having a dedicated connection to the internet means only devices within that connection would be hackable." I feel that you all have talked me out of using existing building networks. So I'm moving on to paying a monthly ISP. Can we start by explaining how my setup above will fail and be problematic? Will someone breach the cameras, and then upset my ISP?
  4. This helps. Thank you. I think hosting a service myself is too much trouble. I am attempting to make this replicate-able in other buildings. So simpler the better. It is crazy that I can't piggyback on the existing internet, as I use simple wyze cameras in my own life, and no need for admin clearance with them. But I do need ethernet, so I see thats different. If I set-up a few POE cameras and send out a live stream feed to youtube somehow (any advice gladly accepted) while on a dedicated monthly service plan.... It seems like that would work. No one else will be on the service but the birds.
  5. For instance, RTMPS or HLS... what do my cameras need to be able to stream as for youtube?
  6. Current plan, use cameras like the ones above... pay for a dedicated internet feed. I now see that the IT managers of these buildings have plenty of reason to say no to offering help.
  7. The concept is to have live streamed bird cams outside of senior housing. The streams are hosted on FB or YT and the elders in the building answer questions that people have about the birds. Local Biology teachers can get on board. What is the best way for me to proceed. I am clearly naive to the dangers of this project.
  8. I was only trying to ease the IT department's anxiety by ceding control of the devices to them.
  9. Great. That helps me empathize with them. I have been doing this for a year, and have plans to make a small non-profit project of it. I need a better camera system. I am looking at the popular consumer grade POE camera kits like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B094XVH5SR/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=A22EYB2OIILVQA&psc=1 It would seem that one of these could be a decent place to start. Are there things I should be on the look out for when considering a system? T
  10. If I was going to approach the IT managers, could I ask something like this: "I have purchased a few POE cameras that I would like to pay you to setup. You can have the entire control over the system, I just need the live feed access and the ability to move the cameras around" What do you think they are thinking when they hear this?
  11. I am setting up wildlife cameras at senior housing complexes. Each place is different, and I've already come across a great deal of resistance to using the buildings internet and LAN. How do you all approach the initial decision of where to source internet at a security camera (or whatever you are installing) jobsite?
  12. I have been setting up wildlife cameras for seniors in housing complexes. My plan is to connect the elders with local and not so local school age kids, using animals as the common bond. I'll need help along the way, so I'm here!
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