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About UKAlarmGuy

  • Birthday 30/11/2006

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  • Interests
    Alarms, anthropomorphic animals (I am a furry) watching TV
    Favourite old burglar alarm panels are Scantronic 9200 and Ademco Microtech Galaxy 60 CO52.
    Favourite modern burglar alarm panel is the Pyronix Euro. And yes I am 1 of 2 members who are furries.


  • Location
    Shropshire, UK

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. In that case I would like to have my account here deleted as I am clearly not welcome here anymore
  2. Recently got given a Friedland DC solenoid bell
  3. Well that and because Honeywell era Gent is just meh
  4. OK, I put Gent (pre-Honeywell) mainly because of the 34770 optical heat sounder
  5. Favourite fire alarm brand? I have voted
  6. Nice car there
  7. Didn't get given the key, and the battery was removed so it's pretty much just a display item on my shelf
  8. Oh cool, so its a custom made system, I will definitely keep it as it is extremely rare
  9. Also on the back it has a Cooper Security sticker
  10. It was removed from a static caravan and Google doesn't come up with any info about them so I wonder if they were a custom made system or if Scantronic only produced a limited number of them
  11. Recently I was given a wireless Scantronic 4603 keyswitch burglar alarm panel for free
  12. Alright, I'll tell you the real reason, I had my own furry forum and I approved a member who I regret approving, as they only joined to take advantage of me, which is easy to do thanks to being on the autism spectrum, they discovered what furries actually are (people who like anthropomorphic animals obviously) and was obviously anti furry, I regret that decision and I will never forgive myself for it
  13. I'll still occasionally post here, just not very often, reason why, I'd rather not talk about it
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