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  1. I'm thinking that I will once again attempt to connect to the router and then configure the 'Control Plus' app. This may provide further diagnostics and help identify any issues. I have Engineer access, plus an additional User account. The user account used to (and still should) disarm the system...
  2. I have used the user code too, I believe it beeps when I attempt is disarm, almost as if it doesn't accept the code anymore. However, I know the code is correct... Is it possible this is related to the crash somehow? It's all rather strange to be honest
  3. When I enter the Engineer password, the Panel Alarm silences however, whenever the system detects movement on a PIR it sounds again. It's like it's stuck in 'Arm Mode' however it won't Disarm. As mentioned, this has only been the case since it crashed when entering new wi-fi settings. I would set everything to default, however I don't have the UDL software or Flash Programmer...
  4. The system was working fine. It has a wi-fi module installed, and I was changing the settings on the Panel to connect to a new router. The Panel crashed, and ever since (even using the Engineers login) it has not been possible to silence the Panel Alarm. To me, this must be a bug and something Orisec are aware of, and have likely fixed in newer releases of their software.
  5. I'm very familiar with these types of system. With access to the programming software I will have no problem investigating the issues, updating the firmware and re-configuring from scratch if necessary. Unfortunately, I just don't have access to the software.
  6. Hello, Is there anywhere that I can download the Orisec UDL Software and Flash Programmer, without being a registered alarm installer? I have a broken system in my home, and would like to investigate the issues further myself. My alarm company isn't too interested, I believe I have older buggy panel firmware however I'm at the point of replacing the system. Any help is most appreciated. Thanks.
  7. al-yeti - That's exactly what I want to do, however won't this clear all the settings requiring a full setup? Thanks
  8. With regards to an Orisec system, how can one power cycle the keypad / main unit without resetting everything to default? I was working on a keypad attempting to connect to wi-fi and it randomly went 'weird'. All sensors are showing tamper, however when I log in a the user and select 'Reset' the kepad just beeps and nothing happens. Also, when scanning for wi-fi networks it gets stuck. Looking into that further shows the wi-fi module is 'Not fitted' however I know there is one. Any suggestions?
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