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Sam Hayes

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Sam Hayes last won the day on August 9 2023

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  1. Hi All Thank you for your help so far. In the end the engineer configured the Ethernet board on our home LAN and I could connect it when I was connected to my home network. However it wasn't accessible via the cloud option. As it's a Lantronix smart XPort module, I could telnet onto it and ping the Orisec DDNS server, with no issues, so it had internet access. I then checked with Orisec support directly and they advised that this board doesn't support the cloud option at all. So all in all a good experience of understanding the configuration and setup but we happen to have a panel with the wrong capabilities. For now, I have reverted back to wifi as I can live with that for the time being. @Hillbilly The CP-20 panel swap may be the only option. Thank you all again for your help with this.
  2. Thank you @sixwheeledbeast and @Hillbilly for your comments. The LAN and Wifi setup uses the same network routing at home and both routes go out though the same gateway, so thinking that the network configuration isn't an issue here as it is already working on Wifi since 2019. I will also test the ethernet cable too for I can imagine the frustration of finding an error there. It is a pre-terminated one from Amazon, but it is a good point you make to test anyway. The engineer is coming back on Wednesday, so hopefully we have some resolution. On the CP-20 option, I will check with the engineer on this too.
  3. Yes, AFAIK CP25 is discontinued hence the whole issue. The engineer got a response from Orisec support and they have said that since I purchased the board independently, then they can't support it. However they wouldn't sell one to me when i asked for it last year. So I don't know what else I could've done here to progress this one any differently. Anyway, I noted that the one bit differently configured on ethernet vs Wifi last time was the port no that the Wifi currently uses. So i am going to have one last try with the engineer by setting the specific port on the alarm as part of the Ethernet configuration and see if that works. There's nothing else that appears different between the Wifi and ethernet configuration any more, so if that doesn't work too, then I am all out of ideas. The engineer also shared the manual and steps that are documented but there's nothing complicated that I can see. Seems like plug in, configure the 4 items required and that should be it. I will update after we have tried the above change.
  4. Thank you. That's what I was thinking too that if it works on WiFi, then it should on LAN too. I have asked the installer to check.
  5. Hi Al-Yeti Thank you for your quick response. I assume they must have trade support via Orisec too. He did speak to his team regarding the setup but I will ask if they can seek Orisec support. It's just that I assumed that that it may not be supported as it is no longer current. However as you suggested, I will ask the engineer for this approach. Thank you.
  6. Hi All I am seeking some help from those experienced with Orisec alarms. I am hoping that this is a straightforward setup. We have a Orisec CP25, which i understand is now no longer supported. We have been using the alarm connected via Wifi to our home network. However it has connectivity issues intermittently and I have to keep retrying on the mobile app and eventually I get through. To avoid this, I managed to get a Ethernet board (Orisec Ethernet Module P0009-EB-00-02 00 IPM0000105) that sits on top of the existing Orisec ZX-5C Plug in board. I had an installer come in to set it up, which he did and he updated the static IP address, Subnet Mask, etc. on the system with other details. He didn't complete the port details, which I assume was optional. We did successfully see it on the network with it's own IP address as expected. We disconnected from the wi-fi to test it. However it wasn't getting connected to via the app. I assumed that anything further would be automatically setup. Would anyone know if there are any additional steps or permissions to allow it any differently to the Wifi connection. If anyone can advise here, then that will be appreciated and I can relay the same to the installer when he is next due. Regards
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